UC APP HELP! errors!

<p>I submitted my UC Application already, but I found out I made a couple of mistakes. I took two summer courses at my high school (ceramics & health) and I accidentally wrote 2 hrs/week instead of 10hrs/week (for 6 weeks). How badly will this affect me? Should I send in the written letter for the correction and risk bringing attention to this mistake? Or do you guys think it won’t matter/ it will be overlooked? Thanks.</p>

<p>UC's don't care about courses that are not a-g, so you can ignore health. If ceramics is your VAPA course, then it should've been listed elsewhere, and would not have hours attached to it. If the ceramics was just for fun, then you can ignore it.</p>

<p>Thank you for the information regarding health.</p>

<p>ceramics was a summer course. there is a VAPA course listed in the drop down course list, but it's listed as "Ceramics 1A, 1B" & the summer course is not 1A/1B.
since i took it during the summer, on my HS transcript, it's not listed as a CP (college preparatory) course.. nor is it listed as a non-academic course. so I just assumed it'd be coursework other than a-g. Oh, and I received 2.5 credits for the summer course.
Did I list it correctly then? from the info I just provided?</p>