<p>Well, I took a 3 unit engineering class at my community college and got an A. When I added all of my classes on the UC application, it only counted that class as 2 units. Apparently the class used to be a 2 unit class at my school the past, but the UC app wasn't up to date and it was 3 when I took it. It was the last day to do the app, so I just left it as 2 units. Looking back and talking to a transfer person, I realized now I should have wrote it in manually.</p>
<p>Now, I want to get credit for that one unit. The transfer guy said I should just write it in the 'additional comments box' when I go to update my class in Jan. Do you all think this is a good way to get that one unit back?</p>
<p>I had the same issue with one of my classes. </p>
<p>A 4 unit Geography class that I intend to take in the Spring. The class is listed as being 4 units(and transferable) in every catalog and report I can find at my school, but the UC application wouldn’t recognize it unless I said it was worth 3 units. The assist.org transferable courses list also lists it as being worth 3 units though so I’m not completely sure who to believe.</p>
<p>Posc, did you just go with the units the UC app gave?</p>
<p>Also, after I applied I got this in my confirmation email:</p>
<p>If you need to make changes to the information you provided in the Academic History section of the application, or if you change schools after you submit your application, notify by mail the admissions office at each campus you applied to. (You can find the admissions office mailing addresses in UC’s online directory; campus links are listed on the left side of the page.) Transfer applicants should update their coursework at the Application Update website.</p>
<p>I want to say you should just wait till the January update, in the hope that they update the system in that time, but I’m not sure that you will be able to update pre-fall classes with the update. So I suppose it couldn’t hurt to email them now and see what they have to say about the discrepancy.</p>