UC Application Grade Question

<p>Hey Guys!</p>

<p>Quick question, I was admitted to a UC school OOS and on the UC Application I only listed my final year grades because those are the only grades that show up on my official transcript. My school does however have quarter grades as well! Did I do this correctly?</p>


<p>As long as you keep up your academic performance and the grades you reported are accurate, you’ll be fine. And UCs require you to send in your final transcripts anyway.</p>

<p>That’s my question! My school runs on the quarter system, but my final transcripts only include my final grades, which is why I only listed my final grades on my UC App (so they could see that I wasn’t lying). That’s the correct way to do this no? I wasn’t supposed to put the quarter grades as well?</p>

<p>Yeah, you should be fine. You’re trying to be honest. It would be a completely different thing if you estimate your grades rather than just reporting what’s on paper. If anything, you should call the campus just to make sure.</p>

<p>Thanks! I’m just worried is all, guess I’m being a little neurotic. I love that I was accepted, and I just don’t want anything to go wrong, ie. they think I lied when I really didnt, lol! Congrats on your acceptance as well!</p>

<p>Haha same here. I made a couple of minor errors too, but I called UC central and each UC campus and they all said not to worry. The only way for them to rescind us is if we completely fabricated the GPA or if we get any D’s or F’s, but other than that we’re good.</p>

<p>When you have semesters they expect the semester grades, however, I don’t know what they would have expected in your case. Would it make a significant difference to your gpa?</p>

<p>I expect if your school only records year end grades, those are the only final grades for the application, but only the university can tell you, absolutely.</p>

<p>My school is weird I guess. We have semester courses, but no semester grades, rather we get “marking periods” of which we have four. Each marking period consists of its own grades and gpa. At year’s end, all four marking period averages are totaled and the final grades for each course, and gpa for the year is put on our transcripts. the marking periods are not on them, so I just listed my final year grades (all A’s) on the UC Application because that’s how they appear on the transcript/I believe those are the most important grades!</p>