@AnxMom2021 last year, 2136 were admitted out of 3971
Waitlisted at UC Berkeley. Does anyone know if financial aid information will still release for those on the waitlist?
@AndyLai They won’t release FA information until you are accepted from the waitlist
Does FA get reduced if admitted off waitlist?
@AndyLai no you still get the same amount of FA that you would have received if admitted in regular decisions
Anybody here waitlisted for ChemE or the college of chemistry?
Anybody here waitlisted for ChemE or the college of chemistry?
What are the chances of getting off the waitlist for L & S CS? Also can we not choose both FPF and Global Edge Program on the waitlist opt form. If I dont chose both, will I be directly offered admission to Traditional Fall Pathway? Also will it decrease my chances if I do this??
International. Waitlisted for EECS.
Anyone know the statistics last year for EECS? What percentage of applicants were waitlisted and then accepted by EECS?
Hey, I recently got waitlisted at UCB for L&S CS. If I chose FPF pathway, am I going to be at a disadvantage? Also if I don’t pick FPF option on the Waitlist opt form, will I only be considered for Traditional Fall Pathway and Vice Versa?
I heard anybody in L & S goes undecided from waitlist i think not sure if its true
@AviSaxena33 All L&S admits are not directly admitted to their major of choice. Once admitted and pre-reqs completed, students apply/declare their major. Some majors have GPA thresholds and application requirements (ie Haas and CS).
I need Berkeley to come through with that FAT EECS waitlist offer lol
@AviSaxena33 Goodluck! EECS is a direct admit. D graduates from EECS in May.
@svlab112 thanks and congrats!
Wait so on the opt-in form if you select that you want to be considered for FPF or global edge will you also be considered for the traditional pathway? Cause obviously I would rather do the traditional pathway but if they don’t accept me for that I’d take FPF or global edge
Waitlisted for Chem E too.
What do you guys plan to write on essay?
On my opt in form I dont have the option to select fpf or global edge? My form only gives me the option to add my grades and an essay. Why is that? Is it because I’m applying for Engineering instead of L&S?
@PTMtime Update them on what you have been doing since November and also tell them why Berkeley remains your number one choice and what it has to offer that others cannot in you essay.
By the way what are your stats.
Biology - genetics, UC gpa 4.2, ACT 33, in-state.
Any rush to accept the wait list sooner than the deadline? Would like to take a little time to compose a response.