*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

I am just surprised they have already published this year’s data, hence asking the question. seems like it is too early for them to publish 2021 data.

These are the 2021 Applicantion numbers for this year’s Graduating class not admitted numbers. Why would it be too early? Applications were due in December.

Thank you. Wow!

Could you technically say as an applicant you are competing with only CA residents if you are a Ca resident? As an OOS you are competing with the OOS pool and same for international? I only ask since it seems the % of OOS and International students are locked to a set %…?

For admission’s yes, you are technically competing with CA residents if you are in that pool, OOS if you are in that pool and International if you are in that pool.

If you are asking about Regents, that seems to be Department/College dependent since the evaluators are connected to the specific major departments at each campus.

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Do those selected for regents typically have perfect GPAs? I have a 4.25 capped (4.5 W) which isn’t super strong for UCB but I have stronger essays and ecs.

I have the same question with a 4.33 capped UC GPA (4.61 uncapped)

Since I have no intimate knowledge on the selection process for Regents, all I can go by is what they state on the website which states it is a Holistic process meaning Academics, Personal Achievements, Essays etc… are considered by UCB. Top 1-2% would indicate academics so if the top unweighted GPA range is 4.0 and the top Weighted GPA range is 4.62, then most likely a 4.0 unweighted is probably a requirement but not an absolute.

Considering only 200 scholars are selected from the 112,000+ applicants, there is no reason to worry/stress/be concerned about it at this point. Getting into UCB is an accomplishment in itself so anything else is just icing on the cake.


I know of a student who received a UCB regents whose academics would certainly not have made this student standout. What the student had was a significant activity, a non-profit, that was highlighted, and they had a great story to tell. The backstory is that her mom actually did all the heavy lifting for the non-profit but the student was the face of the non-profit. They got tons of scholarship money from all kinds of organizations from the time the student was a freshman in high school and they had a very well thought out game plan that they put into action. Everyone was shocked when the student got regents and admission to UCB but realized afterwards it was probably based on the non-profit. Interestingly, the student has not done anything related to the non-profit since entering UCB and the non-profit seems to have fizzled after it did the needful of the student getting admission to UCB. This year, I saw several top universities provide guidance to students around what they can do to show they have stayed involved during COVID - one piece of guidance (I think from Dartmouth) was “do not start another non-profit. There are plenty already in place, join one.” I know so many Bay Area kids who start non-profits as I think that is the new thing these days. I wish kids just did what makes them happy and excited and not what they think Colleges would like to see. It doesn’t help that this new concept called passion projects touted by all these paid counselors who highlight how students must do a passion project to show a spike seems to have taken off. College admissions unfortunately can be gamed these days and do favor kids who can afford the extra help. As the UCLA Admissions director said in one Youtube video “we believe students are being truthful as we don’t have the ability or time to check on accuracy. We do random audits for this purpose, and ask students to attest to the accuracy of facts in their application. It is on the honor system.”


I am sure there are always outliers for every situation and with so many applications, it is difficult to weed out what is truthful and what is exaggerated. I agree with what the AO stated that they have to take the application at face value.

One thing that I have learned regarding my college career, my husbands, my friends and my son’s, is that the college you attend as an Undergrad will not define you, it is what you do with the opportunities you are given that makes you successful.

Best of luck to all applicants.


So well said. I say this to my kids all the time. Their dad and I never went to name brand schools and we have done just fine!


Related: Yesterday I asked my son if two kids he is friendly with were in the Asian Student Union club with him. He said no, that they started another club—Asian Activist Union. I asked how the clubs differed. He said they were not different. These two kids started the new club so they could put on their college apps. that they founded an organization at school and they were the officers.


Did you sign up to receive this email or how can we start receiving it?

I got it off someone so I can’t actually say…

It is meant for counselors so I don’t think you can receive it but it is available publicly online.


I’m a Cal parent. I have helped volunteer at our local Regents & Chancellors interview days for the last two years. While I don’t see their resumes, I do spend time talking with the candidates and their parents. My role is to help host, answer questions from a parent perspective and just ensure a positive experience for them as the student waits for their interview.

I can tell you they are always exceptional candidates, with varied and interesting accomplishments. These are not solely high-stat kids. They bring a lot more to the table.


Do you know if they sent in state and out of state students invitations at the same time this year? I cannot find anyone from out of state who got an invitation yet and it’s a bit odd

Did you mean UCLA, I don’t believe any Berkeley invites are out. Am I wrong?

I have no knowledge of this. As mentioned, I’m just a parent ambassador, I’m not with the admissions dept.

Yes whoops I’m sorry, wrong school, my bad haha