*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

I would welcome this completely even if it meant my kid would not have been admitted. I much prefer a system that was more objective.


My kidā€™s essays were just okay. She did not want help and she did not want me to read them and try to change her voice. Sheā€™s very humble so her essays were honest and straight forward. I applaud her for this because the schools she did get into were 100% on her own merit. Sheā€™s very independent and wants to do things her way. Iā€™m hoping it will take her far.


D Accepted
College of L & S
Instate, SoCal, Public/LAUSD
No APs
6 DE classes
UCW 4.17
Varsity Tennis Captain

Accepted: UCLA, UCI, UCD, UCB
Waitlisted: UCSB, UCSD

*Had the withdraw button #3 response
*did not mean to respond to GPlove - sorry

Awesome! Thatā€™s also where my son is leaning to right now. Heā€™s sister is also a cal alumni but majored in political science. Hope you both get in to cs without a problem! Thanks for the first hand info!

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L&S undeclared, gonna major in Biological Sciences tho

D21 got the same invitation. The description says the scholarship is for minorities in STEM. D21 is Asian-American and applied for BA in environmental econ and policy. So are Asian-Americans considered ā€œminoritiesā€ at UCs? I am pretty sure econ and policy is not STEMā€¦

D accepted. Canā€™t believe!

Ooooh that is tough, Iā€™ve heard Berkeley has a phenomenal cs program. Congrats on getting in!!

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Great! Makes sense! I have confidence you both will get in!! Thanks for the info!

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My son was rejected which didnā€™t shock us given he was trying to get into the highly competitive GMP Major. He knew it would be a stretch with OOS tuition anyway.
Indiana U
UofArizona Eller Elite Business
UW Foster Business
Cal Poly SLO Business
UCSB (Econ & Accounting I think is the major)
UCSC Business
UCI Business
Rejected: UCB & UCLA

Very tough especially with twins.

I have identical twin boys with identical stats and EC and majors.

Twin 1 got into all uc- cal, UCLA, UCI ( regents), UCSB, UCSD, UCD
Twin 2- got into cal , UCLA, UCSD, UCD, But waitlisted to UCI and UCSB


As long as itā€™s not for engineering premed classes, Iā€™ve heard Berkeleyā€™s classes end up going well for the students. Berkeley also has the advantage of being very politically active which is something your daughter might enjoy.

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It isnā€™t for minorities but for equity and diversity, including all ethnicities and genders. The objective is to support and encourage students to pursue PhDs.

If her major is in the College of Natural Resources, I believe they classify all CNR majors as STEM.

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Those you are waitlisted and didnā€™t get in and go UCLA, it is very likely Yield protected. My D got waitlisted, where as her school very low stats students got in.

Sheā€™s in L&S. Sheā€™s definitely not PhD potential. Thanks for telling me because I donā€™t think sheā€™ll apply now. Itā€™s quite a lot of work (3 essays) and sounds like sheā€™s not the kind of candidate they are looking for.

Son was sent a strange rejection letter that did not seem to fit his situation. Nothing like his waitlist letters from UCLA and Georgia Tech which were respectful, clearly suggested they read his application and gave it careful consideration. When you have my sonā€™s credentials and work as hard as he did you are probably confused when you get rejected by Berkeleyā€™s L&S school and wonder if anyone really read your stuff, if they weā€™re darkly envious or maybe someone just pushed a wrong button. According to their rules for appeals you canā€™t request a review on any of those basis. Looks like another character building experience. Thankful he has some nice other opportunities.

Cal is a reach for every single person who applies. A couple of years ago, my best friendā€™s son had equal stats as your son and equivalent SAT. Got into some Ivies, UChicago, etc. Rejected at UCLA, waitlisted at UCB. He enrolled at one of the Big 3 Ivies (HYP).

If your son is doing CS, any of his other UCs admits will do just fine.


Son admitted, undeclared to Rausser CNR, will join his sis whoā€™s a current 3rd year

Also admitted to UCI; WL Santa Cruz; Rejected SD & SB
Go figure!


Daughter waitlisted for Architecture.

Anyone have a ballpark estimate for how many ppl were waitlisted this year??