*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

You might want to call on Monday and ask. Campus is closed tomorrow for Caesar Chavez’s birthday.

Here is the link to where it was discussed earlier in this thread.

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Waitlisted again. UCLA broke my heart, this one is manageable.

Got rejected but accepted to UCLA which I like way more so it didn’t even hurt lmao.


yoo, Im kinda scared. basically, I had to cancel some of my exams because they were financially straining and dangerous with COVID-19 (one of my family members had a medical emergency that made them at-risk). So I canceled a couple of exams. But, one of the conditions of admissiosns is ap exams. will they rescind me?

My daughter was just rejected from Berkeley L&S.

In-state / SoCal
4.0 unweighted GPA / 4.33 UC Capped / 4.75 Weighted
Heavy AP/Honors load
4-years of strong ECs with awards and team leadership
Top 1% / Likely Valedictorian

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sorry about that. That’s a tough one to figure out.

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I was rejected earlier today for CS :confused:

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I felt all along that my kids essays would be the difference maker. While her GPA (3.75, 4.15, 4.55) was very good, she was frankly average academically when compared to the other applicants. Her ECs were very good with a good mix of athletics, leadership, and self started projects that were aligned with her major (Environmental Science). Knowing that her GPA would not give her competitive advantage we focused heavily on her essays. I advised her to be vulnerable and write them as if they were journal entries. We also made sure the essays were treated as a continuous narrative, with each one building upon the other. They all worked together to build a compelling and consistent portrait. We knew that since her essays painted such a distinct picture of her personality, she may not be perceived as a good fit for some schools. Case in point, she got rejected from UCLA and UCSD but got accepted to UCB, UCD, UCI and other Cal States.


My daughter also. And you both have SC and LA on the table. So chin up! My husband is from SoCal (we live in NorCal) so the siren of Southern California is singing a very loud song. My kid also has SB on the plate (which is my favorite) so you guys are allowed a small disappointment but the future looks bright! Best luck on your choice!

Is there an admitted students group chat now that all decisions have come out? Asking on behalf of a family member who got in. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I’m still extremely happy to have SC and LA as my top two. SB is an awesome school, I’m glad your daughter likes it! I’ve been going back and forth between UCLA and UCSC for a few days now and I can tell already that this is going to be the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make.


did you apply to EECS, Ryan?

DD got in! Accepted all the UC she applied! UCLA/UCI/UCD/UCSB//UCSD/UCSC . So happy and so proud of her!


Accepted GMP (haas)!
fwiw: current theory is an interview is needed for GMP acceptance and an interview indicates an L&S acceptance

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Congrats to all and good luck!

Son rejected to UCB as suspected. Tough year. Luckily he has other options including UCLA, UCSD/UCD regents, UCI/UCSB/UCSC and GT.


I did.

Agreed, it’s all about the essays. It’s the tipping point every time, the only variable to distinguish you from every other high-stat kid. I highly recommend hiring a professional to help draw these stories out of your kid. Redirect the money and time spent on SAT prep to the essays. They matter way more. It’s the thing that gets you in!

She sounds like a brilliant young lady. I hope she doesn’t spend an ounce of time worried about why they made that decision and looks ahead to her very bright future.

It seems it bit unfair for parents and professionals to be heavily involved in the essays. Test prep is a bit different since the kid actually takes the test by themselves.


I totally agree. The essays cannot be validated in any way. They should not be a deciding factor.

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