*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

Over the summer after junior year, I took Multivariable Calculus at my local community college (ended with a B). When I go to cal, will that grade show up on my transcript? Do you reccomend retaking it for a higher grade?

check if it transfers

You are required to report all college courses and grades on your UC application and also submit a copy of your college transcript. I cannot imagine it would not be transferable. The grade will also calculated into your UC GPA.

I think it will be transferable. I just didnt want to start out with a B on my college transcript, so I was wondering if I can ask for it not to transfer, and retake the class instead?

I tried to request room mate using room mate’s SID, but UCB housing portal says no match found. Does anyone have same problem? Is housing portal not working?


Uh yeah, basically, one of you probably has the gender “unknown”, and you can only request roommates if you both have the same gender. Email calhousing and ask them to change it.

We were there last weekend and hiked around the Sibley volcanic natural reserve(?) I think that was the name. It was so beautiful. I love Cal and the surrounding hills.

Same thing happened to my kid. Contact reshall at berkeley dot com. Provid them the SID of both students and they will correct the issue.

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Thank you for the info. My sex on the housing portal is indicated as “unknown”.

How long does it take them to fix the issue? Thanks.

If you complete the class with a grade, it has to be reported and you have no choice if it is transferable. UC’s do not accept repeat class grades unless they are D’s or F’s.

It took them about half a day to resolve the issue.

I just committed to Berkeley last week, and I received a Cal backpack in the mail today. Did anyone else receive this? I’m asking because I feel like Cal is too cheap to send all the students backpacks (lol) and there was no return address, so it may have been a gift from someone.


I missed this reply so many weeks ago. We did visit UCSD and I loved the campus. TOTALLY fell in love with Sixth College, though he had listed Seventh first because that’s where a friend lives. But now we know for his younger sisters that Sixth College is the one to list! Gorgeous and central? What’s not to love! He’s attending UCLA instead, but I’m so glad we got to check out UCSD.

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@GoldRush2 Congrats on your family’s UCLA decision! Wonderful campus there, too! Sixth College also has decent GE requirements (not excessive) and I feel premed-friendly.

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Thanks! And big congrats to your son and family on Brown. I think about 10% of my HS class went to Brown (from SF in the early 90s), and every one of them absolutely loved it. :slight_smile:

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that’s pretty cool
hopefully get one soon.

He got in! (Spring)


My kid doesnt want to take 1 of the AP tests she signed up for. She has already been admitted to Cal.

  1. Will this impact her admissions status?
  2. Do we have to notify admissions?

Yes, as part of the provisional admission contract, the student needs to notify UCB admissions if they do not take an AP exam. There should be a form to fill out under the contract. It will not effect the admission status if you notify UCB.

Thank you so much for the reply. Please do not take this the wrong way, but are you 100% certain that her admissions will not be effected? Is this documented anywhere on the Cal admissions site? As you can imagine, we are super nervous about this.

The condition of admission does not explicitly mention AP tests:


  • I understand that I must complete all senior-year courses listed on my application with a minimum unweighted 3.0 GPA for each term, and earn no grade lower than a C for any individual courses.
  • I will graduate from high school/secondary school.
  • I will submit all required official documents in a timely manner for admissions verification (review documentation requirements below).
  • I will notify Undergraduate Admissions via the Undergraduate Admission Update form available on MAP@Berkeley if:
    • I do not meet the 3.0 GPA condition for any term of my senior year.
    • I receive a grade lower than a C in any course
    • I have made/will make changes to my senior year class schedule.
    • I am having difficulty sending a final transcript from my school