*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

Ok good, I was just perusing the website and saw the area about rec’s and it got me a little nervous.

Does anybody know if the L&S CS admission is automatic once the prereq courses 3.3 GPA requirement is met? Thanks.

You have to petition. Says so on the web site.

When the whole process of admission is hollistic, on what grounds one can appeal the decision in event of denial?

They have a FAQ for 2021 admissions and appeal is covered in it:

Thanks a lot…

I know this has probably been answered previously. But I did not receive any LOR requests or not even one email from Berkeley since I submitted my application. Does this basically indicate that its a rejection?

UC’s VERY rarely request LOR’s from applicants.

Nope. I got in without any communication or requests from them.

Thank you for sharing this. My DD wants to cancel taking two AP exams. She’s been remote since March of last year and is not confident in passing these exams. She likes the courses and would prefer to take them again in college. If by chance (long shot) she were to get an acceptance by Berkeley, does this mean they would rescind her acceptance because she didn’t take the exam?

In theory they could. To be on the safe side I would email them and explain the situation, and skip the AP exams only with their written permission.

She would need to contact them to explain and ask if she could skip the exams.

Is it true that OOS acceptance rates are higher at all UCs with the exception of Berkeley (and possibly Merced; I’m not so sure about that)? @Gumbymom does that seem accurate? I can’t find the specific numbers on Berkeley’s website, but I’ve seen this in many places.

Did she indicate in UC Application that she is planning to take the AP exams her senior year? There was a specific question about AP exams planned. If yes, it would be best to write to admissions and let them know. If not, my understanding is that she never indicated that she will take the AP exam, despite taking the course her senior year, so it should not be a problem. I am stating this as I had the same question before in this thread, but I would look to @Gumbymom for advice.

I’ve read that it could possibly be 4 or 5.

The majority of the UC’s have a higher acceptance rate for OOS and International students and this due usually to costs since OOS/International students get little to no financial aid.

In UCB’s case, the OOS acceptance rate is slightly lower than the in-state acceptance rate probably due to the prestige factor and that more OOS students will matriculate to UCB.

2020 numbers:
OOS acceptance rate: 17.6%
Matriculation rate: 23%

In-state acceptance rate: 20.0 %
Matriculation rate: 45%

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Although UCB does consider AP scores in their application review, they will not rescind for not taking the exam. It is preferable that you take the exam especially if you can get credit at UCB.

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This may not apply this year. The OOS applications increased by at least 45% across campuses, while the in-state applications only added 10%. The acceptance rate for OOS will be significantly lower if they keep the same prediction on yield.

Relying upon self-reported data from USNWR paid “Compass” users is not even close to reality.

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So how difficult is it really to switch from mathematics to engineering at Berkeley