*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

Do you guys know the exact time when the decision comes out? Thanks

If you’re worried about accidentally withdrawing your application: clicking that button on the main page brings you to the withdrawal form, which you’d then have to submit to withdraw your application

The UCSD one was a a lot more speculation than this tho. This seems a little more rooted in some theory considering there are 3 types of messages

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I don’t think there’s anything that can be done to shift @Gumbymom’s stance. At this point it’s all still speculation, albeit very promising (in terms of accuracy) speculation given the specificity of the messages


I kinda wish someone with the unauthorized message gets in before I see my decision so I have a little hope but that’s unlikely lol.


Believe what you want if it makes you happy. You will know soon enough. I have no inside knowledge so I am a neutral party so time will tell if it is correct.


Speculations aren’t facts. We will know what happens later today. Also, your speculations haven’t considered that it could be different depending on which major or college you applied to.

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well i guess i have no hope now.

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What time are the decisions coming today?

As was already said : this speculation looks truthful, BUT we are not UCB admission officers and we can be totally wrong! Don’t loose your hope right now, just wait for a little bit!

from 3-5 pm California time, I guess

We went through all of the same “glitch” panic last year. There were glitches early on and glitches leading right up to the notifications. This got even worse during the WL process. What it boiled down to was that there was NO CONSISTENT CORRELATION between portal changes and admissions. Only when Cal released their decisions (around 5pm?) did the portals change to indicate decisions. Many people were pulling their hair out over the smallest changes and reddit conspiracies.(Us included) None of it added up to a definitive answer. None of it.


Was it the same glitch as this?

No not the same as this year. But the previous year’s’ glitches all had their own unique traits.

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This time it is not about “glitches." It is about Berkeley’s 3 different wordings on their official portal. This year it is a little bit more “detailed” and “obvious.”
While I am one of those people who believe that this is not 100% an indication of a decision, I do I admit that this is very plausible and reasonable, and not just a random guess.

wait so if you can withdraw does it mean you are accepted??

Here’s what will happen: people will get their acceptances today, and everyone will be asking “did you have the glitch in your portal” and the replies from the accepted students will be “yes. No. Yes. Yes. No. No. No. yes. No.”


Not really
There are 3 kinds of situations:

When you click withdraw, it says that you are “Unauthorized” - we think it is a rejection
When you click withdraw, the form pops up and it says “I wish to withdraw from further consideration” - we think it is a waitlist
When you click withdraw, the form pops up and it says “I will not come to Berkeley and wish to withdraw” - we think it is an acceptance

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I hope that’s the case and I hope I’m a student who has this glitch or whatever and still gets in but let’s see :slight_smile:

[somehow like 5 messages between mine and the one I’m responding to showed up so this message is unnecessary now]