*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

accepted EECS. 4.4 W GPA. 3.75 UW GPA (10-11). Asian male. low stats. dont know how I got it tbh, but my EC’s were good.

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They do have the best Med program, but they take a small % of their undergrad from UCLA. Med advising doesn’t exist at UCLA. Premed clubs are competitive to get into, FYI.

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Did you receive an email notification first? We didn’t receive anything and scared to check!

Accepted UCLA but rejected UCB

If I were you, I’d start your own thread on this issue.

I was accepted and got an email a little after about my status update but I already checked the portal. The email doesn’t indicate acceptance or rejection. Good luck!

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I am waitlisted, but I have a question regarding the opt-in requirements. What does the College coursework mean? Is it AP classes? In addition, how do we submit a letter of recommendation?


L&S , deciding between UCB and UCLA

hey idk if this has been posted already but what are the stats for people who opt into the waitlist? and when are they usually notified? thanks!

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IM IN!! Wow

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That’s great, that you get to choose between two top colleges! Since your interest is CS I’d pick UCLA because it is a sure thing, versus you have to meet some criteria to get CS in UCB. You’re in-state, right? OOS sucks this year because applications went up by 50%. You’re luck to be in CA!

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Waitlist is completely unpredictable. Don’t count on it.

Whats the chances of getting into Berkeley EECS through the waiting list? How many people even get on the EECS waitlist at all? Thanks in advance!!!

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Yup I am in state.

What did your withdrawal thing?

OOS (MD) Accepted for Civil Engineering
4.19 Capped GPA // 1460 SAT
Strong ECs (I think)
This was a complete shock to me, and for anyone reading this who was rejected or waitlisted, I was literally rejected from Villanova today. You’ll get your break soon! :slight_smile:



D21 deciding between UCLA and UCB – which one has a reputation for either grade inflation or grade deflation? She’ll be studying something to do with the environment, either policy or science. But no hard sciences like engineering or premed type classes. She wants to go where the grading is easier. Lol.

Son applied for Astrophysics and accepted to College of L & S. Happy surprise for him after other UC rejections and waitlists. From his experience and reviewing these and other UC forum postings, it seems like UCB must have used a very different formula from the other more competitive UCs and gave students with slightly lower GPAs more of a chance to shine in the other areas of their applications. If that is the case, big props to UCB Office of Admissions for giving more kids a chance!

Accepted: UCB, UCSC
Waitlisted: UCSD, UCD
Rejected: UCLA, UCI, UCSB and also Cal Poly SLO

OOS Acceptances: Illinois Tech, RIT
Awaiting: Boston U, Case Western, George Washington U