UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Stay positive guys! There is still a whole week and change for decisions to come out in-state. We should all be proud that we even got waitlisted no matter what the final outcome is because it means that we were qualified candidates for the university!


Especially with the UC admissions being EXTREMELY random the past few yrs due to test blind and like 6 digit number applications, we definitely should not feel bad at all


When will they announce the appeal decision

One possibility I can think of is that maybe some UCs like Cal and UCSC did in fact not overneroll and not have too many seats filled up. The reason they might be waiting towards the end of May is to grasp an idea of the students who REALLY want to go to Cal. Those students who may have gotten into other public schools through the waitlist that were their top choices would have probably already committed by now and remove their names from the waitlist. This would allow Cal and UCSC to make better decisions about their WL. One thing for sure that seems really weird is UCSC not accepting a single student off from the WL. In the past years including 2021, UCSC has always enrolled a good amount from the WL so them not accepting even 1 person is insane. Even Cal accepted like 2(that I “heard” of) from the WL so UCSC is probably waiting till the last week of May or so. Hopefully even Cal


bro i legit think youre overthinking it. they probably just dont have much space


He might be right, I initially applied to only UCLA and Cal, but somewhere around may 5 I received an email from UCSC and UCR asking me to fill out a small form which asked for my UC application ID and Choice of Major, I ended up getting offers of admission from UCSC and UCR within a week.

Just wondering why would they ask students who were not even interested to apply, and end up accepting them while they still have interested candidates on the waitlist!

Isn’t the eligible in the local context?

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I don’t understand “eligible in local context” ?

Edit: just realised what it means. I am an International student. Never been to California, or one of its high schools

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Both UC campuses have made offers to International applicants in the past that did not get into their choice UC if they did not meet their International enrollment target.

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I was rejected by UCLA but waitlisted by Cal. Does this mean that my application at Cal has already been rejected?

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No it does not mean you will be rejected from UCB’s waitlist but you were not accepted to the 2 UC’s you applied.

This process is horrible. I am a parent. The only advice I would give all of you is that you are all really smart. You will do very well in life. There are more than one school that is a fit for you. Concentrate on the school that you are going to and if you happen to get off the list great but if not great too!!


Did anyone get in touch with the admissions committee on waitlist/appeal apps?

Not looking good guys, just got rejected from the UCSD waitlist.

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What was your major? Seems like it was only a lot of Engineering and CS rejections from UCSD WL

LMAOOOO cry in cs. But I also saw other majors like political science.

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but that feels better tho, unlike Berkeley ain’t telling us nothing


Looks like they over enrolled
According to the current housing situa + they contacted them


Holup did they
Can u tell me where to find this info?
I assumed that they overenrolled too but I was holding onto strings of hope

But I feel like they could have just done what ucsd did instead of making us wait. Maybe they are waiting for spots to open and remain constant