UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

I am international…. No update in MAP portal yet

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Anyone here got an update?

also international student but no update

OOS no update

International… No update

Both and yes. It’s in their agreement/pledge statement

in-state no update yet.

seems to be a rumor, none of my friends (intl) or anyone on reddit or here heard back yesterday

Well that’s because no In-state decisions came out. International however, I’m not sure.

im intl

only a small handful of intl college of science fpf heard back and that wasnt last night, it was about two week ago. this far no one has reported an acceptance outside intl COS fpf

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im international and waitlisted for l&s + fpf and haven’t heard back yet

Whether they will release decisions today? Or they will release after June, it’s so struggling :frowning:

It’s either today or never

Not true, today and Tuesday are the last days where the decisions can come out. (The weekend and Memorial Day don’t count). This is on the assumption Berkeley doesn’t extend their waitlist notification period.

They’ll probably extend the waitlist
99% sure

I really hope not. Hopefully, they will come out today because the waiting is really tiring…

Last year they literally didn’t accept anyone in June
However they still extended it

So extending the waitlist means that they couldn’t accept any during may which is basically a gg

When will they release the appeal decision?


As I said
After may, getting off the waitlist is definitely very hard so don’t expect much

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why do they extend it if they won’t admit more students?