UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

You have to fill put the SLR which will determine if you are a legal CA resident.

The Statement of Legal Residence is an online form that will take you through a series of questions regarding you and your parents if you are less than 24 years old. This information is used to determine whether you and your parents meet the requirements for California resident tuition as of the Residence Determination Date, which is the first day of instruction of the term.

All new students are required to complete a Statement of Legal Residence.

Wait, am I screwed? I got waitlisted and they didnā€™t ask me for anything regarding SLR. In the Citizen & Residency section of the UC App, I did claim to be a US citizen and I selected ā€œYesā€ for both questions asking if I attend a CA high school for at least 3 years and that Iā€™ll be graduating from a CA high school. But in the ā€œVerified Informationā€ section, I chose to skip the ā€œState of legal residenceā€ because my counselor (heā€™s not in my school anymore) told me itā€™s not important and I can just ignore it. Iā€™m now just wanna know what do they ask for in the ā€œState of legal residenceā€, bc Iā€™m worried if theyā€™ll consider me as OOS since it has a much lower acceptance rate.

You can email admissions but you did indicate you are a CA resident and listed your CA HS in the academic section so they will know that you are in-state.

Thank you for the help! Iā€™ll do that. Iā€™m just frustrated as my counselor left for another job and I had no one to ask. I hope they consider me in-state so I can have a better chance to get off the waitlist, but Iā€™ll be pissed if I really made a mistake and that might explain why I didnā€™t get into any of the UCs.

You have to fill out the SLR statement after you enroll in a UC so until you get an acceptance, you will not submit that form. I do not think that missing section on the UC application will be an issue since you did state you attend a CA HS.

Just an FYI, the OOS admit rates are higher than in-state based on last yearā€™s numbers. Unfortunately there are several applicants that did not get accepted into any UCā€™s this year.

Are appeal decisions on a rolling basis? How has it been in past years?

wait i donā€™t think i saw a fall program for freshman option on my wl. i didnā€™t apply letters and science but college of environmental design. is that bad?

@Gumbymom do you think that me not opting into the FPF program will hurt my chances in getting off the waitlist? And if I really just want to become admitted to Berkeley, do you suggest it would be better for me to just opt into the FPF.

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Do you mind reading my LOIC for UCB?

D22 submitted LOCI. Thanks so much, @Gumbymom for all the help.

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when/how, historically, have waitlist decisions come out? (waves, dates, closing dates, etc)

This was posted in the discussion. Historically, the waitlist admits dates, the # admitted and when it is officially closed varies from year to year. It all depends upon how many spots are open so please SIR to a school and move on.

Dates were Tuesday, May 10th (small but adequate) and Tuesday, May 24th (this one was super small).

Our waitlist got extended from June 1st to June 30th (I anticipate that it will get extended even more cuz that is how Berkeley is).

Waitlist closed last year June 30th.

Seems like the Berkeley class or 2026 threads (both waitlist & admit) are less active (in terms of # of messages up to date) compared to the class of 2025. Do you think they admit/waitlist fewer people than last year, or is it just because everyone is busy this year and is not as active online? Iā€™m kinda overthinking it but what do you think, based on your experiences? @Gumbymom


Would I be able to ask where I stand on the waitlist or no not really?

No, UCB does not rank and will not tell you where you stand. They admit off the waitlist based on their institutional needs and until all SIRā€™s are in, there is usually no way to know where there are spots available.

Is the freshman wl separate from the transfer wl pool? Or do they consider the wl pool as a whole?

They are separate waitlists.

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Does anyone know how the waitlist size this year compare to last year? I heard that UCB waitlisted a lot more people this year which means that the waitlist acceptance rate will be lower? Thanks

The waitlist numbers are usually not available until this Fall. Many of the UCā€™s have stated that they admitted fewer applicants due to over enrollment issues and had larger waitlists this year.

Thanks for the quick reply! Do you think itā€™s because many admitted students last year decided to defer their acceptance to this year due to the pandemic? I think this means that the waitlist acceptance rate this year is going to be lower :((