UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

I was able to very closely calculate my L&S MCB kid’s credits using this general guide. 27 units combined between AP/IB/DE counted for all General Ed other than American Cultures requirement. L&S does not allow test scores to count for Breadth requirements. The test credits have been super helpful and enables him to take the minimum units each semester (13) if he chooses to.

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using the guide- chart above for AP? how do you calculate?

@sirenlily Is your student in L&S?

Rausser College of Natural Resources


This was very accurate for my student. The only difference was that passing AP and IB scores were 5.36 units instead of 5.3 units. Also a 4 on Calc. AB counted for 2.68 instead of the 4 units listed here (which I see I read wrong). Definitely ask for clarification from Rausser College at Cal Day.


thank you for this chart. I clicked on the link with the Berkeley tab. was this chart accurate with Berkeley’s?

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Central Evaluation Unit, yes very accurate.

Son accepted his Berkeley acceptance today. We went on a tour and really liked the campus in full Cherry blossom blooms.


Question about housing preferences for EECS majors. Is it advisable to request Foothills over Unit1/2/3? I understand Blackwell is hard to get.

We considered foothill vs the units. Foothill tends to be a bit disconnected from the rest of the dorms so may not be a great fit for someone who wants to build social networks outside their immediate floor. It’s also more expensive but quieter compared to the other halls. I saw someone post a detailed post about Foothill on Reddit, search Reddit and see if you can find it.

edit: this is the post I saw. I do think COE and EECS majors are spread across all the different dorms, not just foothill.


We are also considering foothill as a first choice for our physics major. Anyone have any info on Bowles hall?

Bowles is a Residential College - the only one at Cal. It’s in a fantastic location near a lot of STEM buildings as well as the Haas School of Business. Also next to the Football stadium so a great place to be on Home game weekends. I believe the Cal Marching Band continues its decades-long tradition of stopping to serenade the Bowles residents on game day. Bowles was recently renovated, has very good food, and offers 4-year housing. More pricey, but very tough to get selected - a student essay is required.


application requires 6 essays!

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has anyone ever used the applicant contact form on berkeley’s website? how long do they usually take to respond because it’s been around a week and i still haven’t heard back

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Any sense for when UC Berkeley updates the master schedule of events for “Cal Day” (Saturday, April 22)? Per the Cal Day phone app, there’s a Chancellor’s Morning Welcome for newly-admitted students and their families scheduled from 8-9 AM Pacific in California Memorial Stadium, but other than that, haven’t seen much else.

For Engineering/EECS, you can find events here Cal Day - Berkeley Engineering and EECS Cal Day | EECS at UC Berkeley

Thanks @raks1199. I noticed the College of Engineering was all over it (kudos to those engineers!), but hadn’t stumbled across anything from the other colleges (L&S, CoC, CNR, CED, etc). Hopefully by next week the other colleges will update their Cal Day offerings / schedule of events.

Anyone have the link or info page to the Virtual Cal events on April 25-27? On my student’s email - the link to register doesn’t take you anywhere

to get into housing??

Bowles Hall is private housing, not run by Berkeley. In the past it was the all boy dorm run by Berkeley, but is now coed. (Stern is still all girls). Berkeley housing run by the university does not require any sort of writing.

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