UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

anyone have experience with SPUR in Rausser college? Seems Rausser CNR has better academic advising, student/professor community and less GE requirements. Would love to hear thoughts.
Daughter is enrolled at CNR in Microbial Bio but was looking into MCB in letters in science but heard MCB is one of the toughest majors at Cal and the academic advising is terrible, almost non existent!
Would love to hear any thoughts ! thanks

There are LOTS of updates today in the Cal Events app Cal Day 2023 Guide. Prospective Bears and their families can start planning their day and there will be more updates in the coming days. There will be lots of qualified folks to answer questions. Cal Day is a massive and well organized event.
Housing and Dining information will be at Unit 3 this year.
My tips if you have any time beyond the on campus activities would be to ride a bus and/or BART (download the Clipper app to make this super easy). Embrace the Berkeley-ness. Wear good walking shoes and have a great day in Berkeley!


Yes, she is happy there. The first week she met friends during orientation and they are all very close still. There are pros and cons as would be with any living situation. She likes being close to classes and being in a smaller community with activities. I don’t know how competitive the applications are. I assume it depends on the number of applicants and how many openings there are (varies each year due to how many students graduate or opt for apartments). The essays were not difficult from what I remember. Questions that ask about interests, etc. and gives a snapshot of who a student is (outside of the academic profile). My daughter did also apply to a theme house (through Berkeley housing) that also required an application and essays. She was waitlisted for that.

A post was split to a new thread: Data Science comparison at UCB, UCLA and UCSD

Just wanted to pop back in and share that the cal day app has populated schedules and info. Lots of great stuff planned!

after you SIR to berkeley do you have to fill out an SRL (statement of legal residence)? if so is this what they use to determine if someone is either a resident or nonresident?

Yes, the SLR will help determine residency and due July 15.

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question on housing , after first year if students wants to stay on campus and decides to apply for housing for 2nd year, when will they know if they got in or not? Seems it would take some planning to get a place if they are not able to get campus housing. … and how are the Bekeley apartments housing? are they hard to get in the 2nd years?

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Hi…would you mind sharing what major and what caused change of heart? Hope you were able to switch the SIR to Cal.

continuing students seem to apply much earlier, like in Feb. This year, continuing students found out about campus housing in early March. Every student I know that applied for 2nd year UCB housing was accepted. Some even into Blackwell.


that’s good to know! thank you. do you know anything about the Berkeley Campus apartments? is that a popular option? i would think it’s easier than trying to look for one outside of campus with leases and furnishings etc

I do no know much about the apartments that are affiliated with the school. I’d guess they are pretty popular and difficult to secure.

My rising 2nd year also applied and received a housing offer (but not his first choice), he declined since he had already lined up an off campus apartment with friends. Feb-March was a bit stressful until things all fell into place. Berkeley housing sends out offers in a few waves as housing offers are accepted or declined. I know a second year who got housing in Martinez Commons apartments. I think the on campus apartments are fine and would make great options. I also recommend getting on the waitlist to the Berkeley Co Ops to maximize housing options. My son got an offer from them as well, but declined. Really important to get on their waitlist as early as possible. They have very long waitlists.

Mid kid was on the fence not knowing whether right choice was made and I wanted to be prepared just in case if the request comes. Bruin day seems to have settled this and decided to stay with UCLA for college of L & S.


what is the Berkeley Co-ops?

It’s Cooperative housing that costs much less than market rate and provides room and board. Students works several hours a week cooking or doing other chores to keep up the property. The houses/apartments are not owned by UC Berkeley, but many UC Berkeley students live there. They are a popular way to save money. There is a lot of information on their website. Also a lot of helpful YouTube videos. BerkeleyStudentCoops on YouTube.

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Hi did anyone receive a “California residence for tuition purposes email” before they got to know the results. Does this mean anything?

It’s that time of the year where admitted students start worrying about access to CS classes. Please see link to Fall 2023 CS class enrollment policies.


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D23 officially submitted her housing application yesterday. So when do we hear which dorm she’s in? Anyone have a general sense of the process and timeline?

I went back and looked through the emails to see the timeline.
5/23 - My son was sent a housing offer
6/23 - selected move in time slot
8/5 - notified of roommate with their contact information and notified of specific building within housing unit. Exact room number isn’t discovered until move in day.

Choosing a random roommate has worked out really well for my son. All but two of the kids in his suite were random, and several of them are rooming together next year.
In between all the dates above there will be LOTS of paperwork and on-boarding for parents and students! The student portal with pre orientation modules is extensive and time consuming.