UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

not yet - have the tab but no bcourses are loaded (L&S). Have you received a housing offer yet? Son has not but deadline was only today.

I’ve posted about this earlier, just seeing if there is anymore insight. Pre-health students typically will need a full year of Chem with lab. You can opt to take the lab (chem 1AL ) during a different semester than the lecture course( chem 1a) . But it seems to make more sense to take them concurrently, yes? Just seems easier in terms of managing similar concepts being taught concurrently. Not sure what the norm is these days.

@scrambro My rising 2nd year just took both of these in the spring semester. He said it was advantageous to take them together, but if there was a scheduling conflict issue, to take Chem 1A before Chem 1AL, and the student would be ok.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: UC Berkeley Fall 2023 Transfer Thread

question on the Reading and Composition series, seems the entry level writing requirement is satsified by the SAT english score, but can the R & C be also sastified by the AP scores of 4 or above?

Isn’t one covered by AP Lit and the other by AP Lang?

is that how that works? the R & C is a two part series, will both be satisfied by Ap LIt and AP Lang?

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I think so

Not exactly. The Entry Level Writing requirement is satisfied by a score of 3 on an Ap English test. The first semester of R&C is satisfied by a 4 or 5 on either AP English exam. But the second semester of R&C requires a 5 on AP Lit. The full info is here:

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Daughter is MCB major, would she take Chem 1A with Lab or organic Chem for freshman year?

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Chem 1A is a pre-requisite for Organic unless the student has the following AP or IB credit so the usual Chem sequence is General Chem then Organic Chem.

Prerequisites: CHEM 1A with min grade of C-; or AP Chem with min score of 4; or Chem HL IB with min score of 5;

See MCB 4 year plans: 4-year plans for MCB majors | Molecular and Cell Biology

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Its different for College of Engineering students. My kid who had 5 in both AP English exams has to take part B as its not waived off. He is planning to take it as a CC next summer(Couldnt get a seat this year and you have until Sophomore year to complete this requirement).


How many years of foreign language is required for MCB?

L&S foreign language requirement: Foreign Language | L&S Advising

My daughter added all the classes to her cart but is not seeing the button ENROLL, will it appear on her designated date of registration? thanks

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Yes. Refresh at the appointed time and the Enroll button will appear.

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why take it at CC and not Berkeley?

I heard its not worth spending that much time in Cal where as you can clear it easily at a CC.

He can do another technical or his required major course in its place. My son also wants to minor in Political Science related subject. It helps this way too.

This is the way to go. If you are a stem kid especially, no point wasting your time taking these at Cal since the same course will require a lot more effort. If you want a gpa boost there are other options available including freshman/sophomore seminars.

I figured I’d move our conversation about class selection over here. They wouldn’t let your son take the 5 series Physics as a materials science major? I wonder why that is? My kid really needs a seat in 5a and math 53 this semester. We’ll see what happens. Everything else in more flexible, but that’s where he needs to start for his major. Having so many transfer credits doesn’t leave him a lot to take.

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