UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

Yes, priority registration is HUGE.

Is there any date released yet on when early notification decisions will come out? I’m guessing it’ll be in February.

Regents is a merit based scholarship as noted above. * UC Berkley amount is $2,500- Interview required and prospective Regent scholars are notified as an Early Admit in February. For 2022, it was February 11. As of now, no date has been posted.

There is a need based component for recipients and it is determined annually. It is designed to supplement the Cal Grant A and B programs, Pell Grant and other outside scholarship awards.

is data science major in berkeley new?
is it impacted ? and whats the acceptance rate for data science?

No. DS is a well established major and yes its a high demand major with a sub 10% admit rate.


ok this I did not know. Thank you.

So this is not merit but need based?

Regents is a merit scholarship, but the amount of the scholarship is increased for recipients with financial need.

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@tamagotchi is correct. Regents is a merit scholarship but if the recipient has financial need then more than merit portion which is $2500 for UCB can be awarded. The need based portion is mainly for in-state CA recipients since the UC’s offer no need based aid to OOS or International students but UCB does not specifically state that OOS/International Regent recipients are exempt from additional aid while some campuses due limit it to In-state Regent scholars.

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do you know anything about “intending a major in the haas school of business?” like the acceptance rate, etc.

i don’t think it’s a high demand major but i could be wrong… it’s in the college of L&S i believe


Here is the list of high demand majors:
Art (Practice of)
Public Health
Media Studies
CS (L&S)
Data Science
Operations Research & Management Science
Global Studies
Political Economy
Social Welfare

Did you apply for GMP or MET? Both these programs are highly competitive.

My son applied to GMP. what does that fall under(Eco)? And how hard is it to get into that program (% wise).

Thank you!

No, I just selected the “intending a major in business administration at Haas”. I was planning on applying to Haas junior year if Berkeley accepted me (continuing UCB student pathway on the website).

Is this not a high demand major then? Or still treated like one because of Haas?

I do not have specific data but I have heard that the GMP acceptance rate is around 5% or lower.


No, that major is not High Demand since Haas is not a direct admit at least for Fall 2023 Freshman. If you complete the pre-req courses and have a competitive application for Haas during Sophomore year, then you have around at least a 44% chance for admission.

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I see. So would I just be considered for the school, like College of L&S, during this admission cycle?

Yes, you would be considered for the College of L&S which had an overall admit rate last year of 12%.

Just curious if you know: you’ve mentioned that this is the first year that they are admitting by major in L&S for designated high demand majors. Do you know what the anticipated result of this new strategy is? Does it just help balance out the incoming class, or will it potentially raise admit rates for non-demand majors, or?

Typically, this type of thing means that frosh admits to those majors have an easier pathway to those majors, but those who decide to change into those majors later have a more difficult pathway to those majors.

It also means that for majors like CS that were overflowing but were reluctant to raise the prerequisite college GPA to higher levels, the size of the major will be more predictably limited to the instructional capacity.


This is from the UCB website:

This policy change is designed to improve the student experience. In L&S, most of our 80+ majors are “open”— to declare that major, you have only to take the prerequisite courses, maintain good academic standing in the College, and file a declaration form. However, there is a small subset of high-demand majors (12) that have additional requirements, to better match teaching capacity to student demand. Traditionally, to declare a high-demand major in L&S, students are required to have a minimum GPA in a specific set of courses (also referred to as major prerequisites). Those students who did not meet the minimum GPA requirements must redirect focus to an alternative major midway through their career, often leading students to experience great stress and anxiety.
This new process provides peace-of-mind to students by ensuring that their application will be subject to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions holistic review process. If they select the high-demand major when they apply, they will be guaranteed a spot in the major they selected (subject to completing the prerequisites, maintaining good academic standing in the College, and filing a declaration form).
For students who don’t know that they want a high- demand major when they apply as first-years, they will be subject to a review after a student enrolls at Berkeley. This review includes quantitative and qualitative criteria such as academic and personal accomplishments by the student along with consideration of the context of those accomplishments and opportunities afforded to the student. Admission to high-demand majors based on these criteria is overall a more fair and equitable process instead of the current criterion of the student’s major prerequisite GPA.
