UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

What is fdf?

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7K number is enrollments, not admits, which would be higher due to yield. But, yeah, still crazy.


FPF= FPF is a First Year Pathway that creates a small, collaborative learning community within the large university. Over its 40-year history, it has become a cornerstone experience for new students to support their entry to UCB. Like other collegiate first-year programs, FPF equips students with a curated curriculum and proactive advising. FPF is offered during the first semester with courses that explore intellectual themes to amplify your experience.



Have any decisions come out yet?

March 30th

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This is going to be a long two weeks. Daughter stuck in waitlistville today.

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The good news is you only need one win. Fingers crossed that UCB comes through for her.


She really, really wants it. Both of her brothers are there, and she’s always going to campus, bringing friends over, hanging with her brothers in their dorm/house, football games etc.
Certainly she would have a great time and thrive at Davis (her cousin and friend are going there. I love the Davis campus), but she’s wanted Cal from day one.


Sorry to hear that but as @worriedmomucb stated, it only takes 1 school to break the cycle.


I totally get that. Hopefully that Cal love comes through on her app and the UCB AOs see that she’s a great match. But I’m sure the wait will be tough…


Unweighted GPA: 4.00
Weighted GPA: 4.58
Weighted and Capped GPA: 4.33
Public SF HS, extremely competitive environment
Undeclared Humanities
accepted Davis

12 APs

PIQs are different. very colloquial. somewhat all tied together. tried to paint an honest picture of herself, connecting them all together. One thing I told her to do in the “Additional comments” was to let them know what she can offer the schools. Obviously most of what you write tells your background, reiterates successes, accomplishments, learned lessons - and also sometimes what you plan to do in the future. I suggested she offer her talents/abilities as something that can contribute to the school during her time as a student. Giving back, I guess

ECs are ‘OK’. Mostly hovering around her longtime leadership with her HS spirit team. My son who is a Freshman now had virtually similar stats, moderate ECs. His one advantage was that he pushed himself to be able to take advanced Calculus, while she did not.


Same here

I’m glad Davis came through, but looking at those stats and her overall profile, it’s just to hard to imagine what more schools could want. She sounds like an amazing young woman with a bright future - I hope Cal can see that, too, and snatches her up on the 30th.

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I aint even getting e-mails I think its wraps for me haha

makes two of us, @worriedmomucb. This will be her last school announcement. Thanks for the nice thoughts

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UCSC and Davis are great options - congrats to them!! I am sure they are super relieved and happy to have those choices!


They usually admit 4 times the number of available enrollment. My guess around 28K applicants were offered admittance.

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After the disasters with over-enrollment the last few years, I’d be surprised if they are accepting 4x the class size. I think they were cautious this year, and may end up using the waitlist instead of having yet another housing crisis.


I would only expect 2x the class, sorry meant that for Berkeley. I bet UCSD projected more like a 33% yield and enrolled only 3x the class.


I feel I really need to comment about the crime. There is a mantra that says the crime at Berkeley feels different depending upon what one might be used to. And while that may very well be true, there should be no dismissing the fact that violent crimes against people have increased dramatically. The annual Berkeley Police Department report just came out and showed a whopping 25.2 percent increase in violent crime (homicide, rape, robbery and aggravated assault). I sent my D there knowing backpacks were snatched like purses and with all the warnings gableca gave her D. Who knew these “backpack snatchings” would turn into armed (with guns) robberies - for cell phones, mind you - with the assailants getting away in cars. I am not exaggerating. Follow www.berkeleyscanner.com and on twitter @scannerberekely (not related to The Berkeley Scanner) to get an idea of what type of crime you will be experiencing at Cal these days.