UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

around what time does the decisions come out on Thur Mar 30?

last year 3:15 pm PDT

Original preferred major was engineering :sweat_smile: but I requested for a switch to data science. Wait raise a flag ???

I’m saying there is zero time now for ad coms to consider you for a high demand major. And if you are a COE ad com you might start wondering if the applicant is interested in engineering anymore. That said, I’m pretty sure decisions have been already made and your request is unlikely to have any impact. You will either be admitted, rejected, or placed on the WL for COE. What engineering major did you apply to?


Last date for major change was the published date Jan 31.
They would ignore any changes after that I guess.


Does Berkeley consider alternate majors? I just realized that I picked their global management program for my alternate major (very hard program to get into that has extra supplemental application) cause I’m stupid and didn’t do any research on it and picked global studies as my primary major (which apparently is capped at Berkeley) and assumed it was something similar. Am I screwed?

From what I understand, they only guarantee review of first major and the alternate major is used during waitlist review etc.

civil engineering

If you get in for CivE, you should be able to take whatever CS courses you want because even non-EECS majors will have reserved seats for CS courses. If you do really well in the CS classes, you may even be able to switch to another major within COE.

Generally speaking its also easier to switch from COE to L&S than the other way around although DS is now a high demand major and I don’t know if they will allow change of major from COE into DS.

In any case, I wouldn’t worry about the change of major now. Good luck for next week!

it says event registration for me and gives me an option to search for countries and enter a zip code.

does it say that for anyone else now?

can everyone see this page? or does it say access denied for some people?



Link resolves in a map page. Using zip resulted in events in/ear our state organzied by distance. Clicking on an even provided specific info for the event.

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8 posts were merged into an existing topic: UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023



QQ: If you get admitted to UCB AND one of your Ivys - which one would you pick and why?

PS If all things were alike - But CAL was in-state.

It will depend on your major. I agree with your earlier comment about ranking if I am not mistaken.


If Cal was in-state, I wouldn’t go to an ivy given the cost differential alone. And for most STEM majors, the only schools that may edge out Cal could be MIT, Stanford, CMU in specific scenarios but there are no Ivies on this list.

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Depends on major. For D23 they are excellent in environment science. Her top acceptance so far is Claremont McKenna- not an ivy, but pretty prestigious LaC. She wants env sci and policy… which CMC is very good at. So IF she gets into Cal. It’ll be a tough choice. She got a solid scholarship so delta price is not THAT huge (still there). We’d have to think about the culture and size a lot. IF she gets in….


Advice welcome!!