UC Berkeley College of Chemistry vs Yale for qualifying for MD/PhD

I am wondering if anyone knows about the matriculation from both of these schools (chemical biology program) to an MD/PhD program. Along with this, what are the research opportunities and grading/course ware like at school/program?

Both Yale and Berkeley publish their pre med statistics online:
http://ocs.yale.edu/yale-college/health-professions (MD acceptance rate: 80%, MD/PhD: 70%)
https://career.berkeley.edu/MedStats/national (MD accapteance rate: 55%)

Yale also published which medical schools their students end up at, and I see all the usual names - USC, UCLA, Johns Hopkins, Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Michigan, Wash U, etc.

As you can see, both schools have acceptance rates significantly above the national average. However, I wouldn’t read too much into the differences, because med school acceptance is a lot more about the applicants themselves than which school they come from.

With regards to research opportunities and courses, I’m not too familiar with Berkeley, but at Yale anyone who wants to do research will almost certainly get an opportunity. Considering Berkeley also has a top-10 biological sciences department, I’m sure there won’t be much of a difference.

Yale would be better because there’s less grade deflation and more student support.

@MYOS2634 and @reuynshard thanks for your responses!