UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Thread

I see, I haven’t tried to click on withdraw yet so I am kinda nervous

I hope so im praying for myself and y’all!

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These high gpa unauthorized are really concerning

should I drop my stats?


No, got it about an hour ago.

well at the end of the day this is a holistic process but yeah i feel you

We’re all curious about it anyways, Meme King.

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But they also have highly impacted majors


Berkeley rejects plenty of 4.0s every year. Its more than just a numbers game. But I agree it is pretty concerning since that’s higher than what I’ve got.

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yeah rip i’m convinced the only reason why my low gpa ass doesn’t have the unauthorized button rn is bc i’m a phil major :sob:

or your essays were fire bro. don’t sell yourself short


3.94 GPA from CCC. IGETC and all prep done by fall 2020 70 units by end of spring. EC) work full time job and have extensive volunteering . Political science major. Unauthorized . got waitlisted from Vanderbilt earlier so double whammy today

ill do it anyway:

Major:Business Administration(haas)(no interview)
all prerequisites done (except calc 2)
EC’S: 7-7.5/10

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I am so sorry, can someone catch me up? Does the withdrawal glitch work? Where is the unauthorized button?

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Lmao, i haven’t even checked, I’m probably unauthorized already, but i won’t go back in until I start seeing “I will not attend” reports. But yeah, thank god for our useless major!

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Funny how I haven’t seen a single person with lower than a 3.8 get unauthorized.

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It’s a bit rough. I fully expected to get in especially since political science is like a 30-35% acceptance rate normally

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phil majors unite!! :triumph:

There’s still a slight chance this whole “unauthorized” thing is simply just them updating their database with your application status.