Hi all! I’ve applied to the Berkeley Sciences Po Dual BA (Reims campus) and I was just wondering if anyone here had applied as well.
Best of luck to everyone on the interview invitation in the next few weeks!
Hi all! I’ve applied to the Berkeley Sciences Po Dual BA (Reims campus) and I was just wondering if anyone here had applied as well.
Best of luck to everyone on the interview invitation in the next few weeks!
Hey!! I also applied for the Reims campus. Any idea on when interview invitations are going to come out this year?
Hi!! I also applied to the Reims campus but have not received an interview invitation yet Anyone know when they will be released?
The website says “mid-January” for when we are notified of interview requests but i have no idea when specifically
Yea, that’s what I also saw…do you think they will release all decisions at the same time though? Or will it be on a case by case basis?
I was told that they will be released around this week or next week, by the end of January.
Last year, the emails went out on the 21st of January, which is tomorrow.
Wait, today is the 19th hahah. Do you mean Thursday?
Haha, sorry got confused by the time difference It’s already the 20th where I am.
Just saw the email! I was invited to have an interview!!
Oh my goodness congrats! I haven’t received anything yet so I’m guessing that means I didn’t get one
Mine was in my spam so I didn’t see it until about 30 min after hahah but stay hopeful and check your spam/promotions!
I got rejected
again, congrats on your interview though!! I really hope it goes well…keep me updated!
Got it too! @cabeachgirl do you have instagram?
Sorry to hear that. Will you still be applying to Sciences Po though?
I think so congrats to you too by the way! You guys got this!
Yeah! What’s your @?
hey!! i just recieved an interview invite for the Reims campus and i’m ecstatic
@cabeachgirl @2021IRMajor do you guys have insta or smt, just add me @nathandarmon_ i’d love to talk!
also btw, for all those wondering what the stats are: last year there were 120 applicants, 32 interviews, and 26 got in, so for those who got an interview chances are looking really really good!
im sorry, but best of luck with your Sciences Po apps, what campus did you apply for?
I applied to Reims as well hahah. Hopefully I’ll see you guys there next year! And omg I didn’t know so few people got interviews last year, that’s insane that you guys made it past the cut!