UC Berkeley/UCLA Chances


I’m planning to apply to UCLA and UC Berkeley. Although my first choices are top tier colleges such as UPenn and Stanford, but I’m not sure I would be able to get in. I’m currently a junior.

Since I’m attending a private school in California with only two or three AP classes available, my gpa is pretty low.


Freshman year GPA: 3.6
Sophomore year GPA: 3.9
Junior Year GPA: 4.3~4.4. not sure yet
Class rank top 20~30 percent

SAT Score: 1500/1600, Essay 18
SAT II Math 2C: 800
PSAT 1440/1520
AP Chemistry/AP Calculus scores aren’t out yet, but i’m expecting a 3 or a 4 since I studied by myself.


Around 300 community service hours
Freshman year JV soccer
sophomore year class senator
sophomore year robotics club assistant project manager (VP)
Junior year SA (schoolwide) secretary
Sophomore~Junior year Varsity soccer
Senior year SA president

Please let me know the chances of me getting into those colleges and how to improve my application.

UC GPA? https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/

UCLA/UCB use UW UC GPA/Capped Weighted UC GPA and Fully Weighted UC GPA. You have strong test scores, good leadership in your EC’s so make sure you write equally impressive personal insight essays.

Intended major? HS course rigor?

Oh, and I forgot to add that I’m part of the steering committee of NHS, if that makes anything better.

Unweighted GPA: 3.83
Weighted GPA: 4.00
this is what I got from the website. I’m planning to major chemistry. Thanks a lot for your input!

My school is pretty academically challenging. Most of our honors courses use AP textbooks, but they’re called “honors” courses lol. Although I wouldn’t consider the school “prestigious”, there are like a few people every other year who get accepted into Ivy league schools.

I do hope that the colleges you are interested will know that your high school is academically challenging and that they offer very few AP classes. If they do, that may help your chances of getting in. Besides that, I’d say your test scores are pretty competitive for such colleges. However, your ECs are pretty generic and would not give an admissions officer a good idea of what major you would like to study in college. I suggest that you starting participating in more activities that are directly related to your area of interest. Colleges would rather have a student that is outstanding in one particular area than a student who is mediocre at everything. That said, I would say UPenn and Stanford are out of reach for you, and that UCLA and Berkeley are reaches as well. For UCs, the average GPA of the admitted student hovers at around 4.3. If you can take some classes at a local community college, I suggest you do so to improve your GPA. Good luck!

Please chance me back :slight_smile: : http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1995754-chance-me-low-gpa-rank-cornell-rice-wash-u-ucla-etc.html#latest

@TripleDouble, Thank you for your input. I’m planning to intern at a University-affiliated lab, if that helps. How does taking classes at a community college boost my GPA? Sorry, I don’t know how all this works.

@confidentcorgi I assume you meant to mention me. I think interning at a university lab will definitely boost your profile, but make sure it relates to your specific area of interest so to colleges it looks like you are very focused on one area instead of doing a bunch of different things like everyone else. Also, I’ve been told if you do well in a community college class, you can ask your school to transfer those credits to your high school transcript. These classes, since they are college classes, may be weighted as AP classes and thus will help you raise your GPA. Hope this helped! :slight_smile:

Those stats sound like matches for all of the UC’s- Berkeley might be a reach though. I would still apply!

Your best matches are UCSB, UCSD and Irvine. You might be interested in Cal Poly SLO as well. They have great engineering (I didn’t see a stated major but robotics club was an EC of yours).