<p>I'm a Junior and this is my progress in high school so far:</p>
Biology (A/A)
Geometry (A/A)
Spanish 2 (A/A)
English 1 Pre-Honors (A/A)
PE 9 (A/A)
Art 1 (A/A)
GPA: 4.0</p>
Aerobics 1 (A/A)
Chemistry Honors (A/A)
English 2 Pre-Honors (A/A)
Algebra 2/Trigonometry (A/A)
Spanish 3 (A/A)
Leadership (A/A)
AP World History (A/A)
GPA: 4.29
CUMULATIVE: 4.14</p>
AP US History
Pre-Calculus Honors
Physiology Honors
ROP Journalism
English 3 Honors</p>
AP English 4
AP Statistics
AP Calculus
Reg Economics/Government
Swimming 10th</p>
Asian Pacific Islander Club, 9th-10th
French Club, 10th-11th
Link Crew 10th-11th
Interact Rotary Club - 10th-11th [Treasurer 11th]
CSF - 10th-11th [Total volunteer hours: 100+]
Leadership - 10th-11th [Site Council Rep 10th, ASB Publicity 11th]</p>
AP World - 2</p>
<p>The only thing that frustrates me is my inability to take tests. I didn't do well on the AP World History test, and my PSAT scores could be better. I've been trying my hardest to be involved in school. Are my chances looking good? What else do I need to do to improve my chances?</p>