UC budget challenge deepens

<p>UC to offer admission to all eligible undergraduates for 2008-09; state budget challenge deepens for university</p>

<p>Date: 2008-02-28
Contact: Ricardo V</p>

<p>The governer want to cut funding to programs that improve the economic status of Californians to put funding into his universal healthcare program. </p>

<p>Anyone else seeing the contradiction here? UC puts many lower class families that are at an economic disadvantage an opportunity to improve their economic status, so they can afford things such as...</p>

<p>I don't know...</p>

<p>...healthcare? </p>

<p>California is already so far behind in education. America is falling behind in science and math. And then they cut funding to colleges!</p>

<p>I believe the governor should only cut programs, which are hardly used, instead of the educational system's budget.</p>

<p>I have met other students in the nation, who have been in private schools, and all of them used their vocabulary elegantly and had the knowledge to back up their assumptions. As a public school student, I have noticed educators losing resources as a result of underfunded public schools. Some students need extra programs to catch up with the state standards while the governor is taking away money from education. Taking away money from colleges will make it harder for middle class students to obtain an education.</p>

<p>I don't think he should put a burden on tomorrow's future (children, college students, teenagers). One of those students could become his doctor, lawyer, etc.</p>

<p>Hopefully, tuition doesn't go up. However, personally, I'm hoping to get in to a great, extraordinary out of state school. If there are no other options( depending on the situation) UCLA or Berkeley sound ok.</p>