UC Chances?

<p>First off... UCs I applied to (tell me if I classified them correctly):</p>

<p>UCB (Super reach)
UCLA (Super reach)
UCSD (Reach)
UCSB (Reach/ Low Reach)
UCR (Safety)</p>

<p>Intended Major: Econ</p>

<p>GPA (terrible! but really the only terrible part of my app): 3.15 (uw), 3.45 (w)</p>

<p>SATs: 2180</p>

<p>APs: English (5), US History (4), but I hadn't taken the class, Stats (3), horrible teaching</p>

<p>ECs: Intern at MetLife Home Loans; Real Estate Broker's assistant (helped a client make $40,000 off a short sale property); Head Volunteer at library; a bunch of sports and other things like editor for school magazine (made their website) and academic/ club things like that, CSF, etc...</p>

<p>err, awards. AP Scholar, Bilingual Competency for Armenian, and some other misc. awards</p>

<p>Course this year: AP Calc, AP Lit, AP Gov, AP Spanish, and Robotics/Econ</p>

<p>The essay was awesomesauce though (well, that's what my teachers said, not in that exact wording, of course)</p>

<p>So I'm wondering if my other stats will overshadow my GPA. :/ My plan is to go to UCSB and hopefully transfer to either UCLA or UCB. I know that it would be easier if I go to a CCC instead of a different UC, but I just don't want to stay at home.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone!</p>

<p>UCB: reach
UCLA: reach…maybe low reach
UCSD: match/low reach
UCSB: match
UCR: safety</p>

<p>in my opinion, you shouldn’t transfer during your undergrad from UCSB to UCB or from UC to another UC at all. My brother [great student] tried it twice and it’s very difficult.</p>

<p>Besides, going to a UC for undergrad, wether it’s UCSB or UCD, already looks very very good on any resume. Transferring would be a waste of time and money.</p>

<p>Good luck to you mate. :]</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1048885-ucla-top-school-i-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1048885-ucla-top-school-i-chance-back.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>chance me if you wish :})</p>

<p>Thanks! And I’ll chance you :D</p>

<p>and piano, did he succeed in the end? which UC was he transferring from and to which one was he planning to transfer to?</p>

<p>my brother tried to transfer from davis to berkeley twice and he failed both times. UC’s generally give priority to community college students.</p>

<p>However, the perks of going to a school like Davis over Berkeley is that it’s easier to get in the honor roll, which basically gives you first dibs on classes. I have friends at Berkeley who have issues getting classes since they aren’t in the honor roll, and so will be in school for 4+ years. However, because my brother is in the honor roll at Davis, he can get into any class, even ones that are closed to other students, and is graduating in three years.</p>

<p>But it all depends on what you prefer, how long you want to be in school, financial situations, blah blah blah. </p>

<p>Just remember, where you do your undergraduate studies is not as important as where you do your graduate studies [if you choose to go on].</p>

<p>Happy Holidays you!</p>

<p>Wow, thanks for that important info… and congrats to your brother! Yeah, people tell me the same thing, that graduate school matters most. I wonder if doing well in UCSB (3.8-4.0) will get me a shot at the Ivies. Hm…</p>

<p>Happy holidays to you too! I’m really looking forward to Christmas to ease my stress :)</p>

<p>bumpity :D</p>

<p>Subject tests?</p>

<p>mete- getting em in half an hour.
are they heavily weighted as well?</p>

<p>Your GPA most likely killed your app. You classified them correctly. UCSD is even a super reach IMO.</p>

<p>Hm, I see. The reason I didn’t classify UCSD as a super reach is because after reviewing the statistics of the school, I realized the mean SAT scores were quite a bit lower than mine. And yes, they did kill my app. :D</p>

<p>bump :slight_smile: :)</p>