UC chances?

Sorry if you saw my post already in ‘What are my chance’ forum, but I felt the need to post again on this one. That’s because I want to know my chances about UCs specifically (Well, I know, no one here could come out with accurate chance. Still, for general opinion)
CA is in-state

UC GPA is 4.09
Sophomore class load: Biology, World History, ESL, Algebra 2, English 10, And PE
I was not allowed to take any higher class for my lacking English skills. I just came at Sophomore year. However, after getting straight As, I promoted to honors Biology, in which I ended up as B, and Algebra 2 second semester
Junior class load: Drama 1, AP Composition, German 1, Honors Chemistry, AP USH, and Advanced Math Analysis (It’s counted as AP class according to UC.) I got one B in AP Composition in first semester, but two Bs in AP USH and AP Composition in second Semester. Anything else is either A - or A

Senior Class Load - AP Physics C, AP Econ, AP Calc BC, Student Leadership, AP lit, and German 2. It’s going good now, other than AP Lit.

Test scores
Old SAT 1760, 1890
ACT 30
New SAT 1410 for two time. (650 in English and 760 on Math at first time; 680 in English 730 on Math at second time)

Math 2: 800

AP test: AP Composition (3) AP USH (4)

3 years member on Asian club, Key club, and Math club
Mock trial at Junior
Track and Field at Junior and Senior
Cross Country at Senior
Student Leadership Class if it is fit. This class is hard to get it; In my grade, only three makes it in from 15-ish. I have written short questions, as well as been through an interview. This class is about school event; I, along with other classmates, help to set up and organize Sadies; Prom; sport events; some other ones.

I did apply for UCSC, UCSB, UCD, UCLA, and UCSD

Major is non-scientific field undecided except for UCSC.
And especially I want to know about UCSB. I marked undecided on Class of Liberal Art college.

You are on target with GPA for most UC’s along with test scores.

Freshman admits with UC GPA of 3.80-4.19
UCB: 12%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 39%
UCSB: 49%
UCD: 52%
UCI: 57%
UCSC: 83%
UCR: 90%
UCM: 92%

UCSD: Low Reach-High match
UCD/UCSB: High Match-Match
UCI: Match
UCSC:Low Match
UCR/UCM: Safety

Good luck.

@Gumbymom Thank you for chancing me! But would you mind if me asking one more question? I found out a few days ago that I’m eligible for ELS(?) that automatically guarantees UC Merced for in-state students ranked in 9%. in which I’m that case (I’m 8.8 %). Does ELS have impact on Admission other than just the fact that I’m guaranteed for UC Merced? Does it have positivie effect on college admission administrator?

It is ELC, not ELS and the UC’s do consider if you are ELC eligible in their admissions review but how much of an impact depends upon the admissions officers. There are applicants that are not ELC eligible that can get UC acceptances so it is not a guarantee other than you will be accepted to UC Merced (if spots are available) and you do not get into any of your choice UC’s.

@Gumbymom Thank you! Sorry but one more question. Do you think I should have taken Toefl? I thought Toefl would be waived on my case according to UC policy… But I found out that UCB and UCLA may have different policy from other UCs. Say, if I got 3 on AP Composition or Lit, which is my case, I do not need to take Toefl (It’s what exactly is on UC General English Proficiency Requirement page,) but UCB and UCLA have nothing mentioning of that, they just say if your first language is not English and you do not learn three years in English institution, then you need to take Toefl. Well, I was in USA since sophomore, so it could be three years, but in a case…Also, at sophomore I took ESL along with English 10

You would have to contact the schools individually and ask admissions. Better to get that information from the source directly.

My ACT is about a 33/34 (35 superscore)
Clubs are (Though I am in 11th, they will stay consistent)
Co-Captain of Scholastic Bowl (10th-12th)
Honors Spanish Society (10th-12th)
NHS (11th-12th)
Co-Captain of Mathletes (Freshman-Senior years)
Math Tutor (3+ years)
GPA:4.967 W 4.0 UnW
Top 1% in 500 class
I am a solid essay writer so around 8/10 to 9/10 essays
I have great teacher letters (like alot of people)
All honors in Freshman year (no AP in that year bc of school)
AP Euro AP Gov and AP Microecon in Sophomore (Pre-Calc BC and other Honors classes/ highest you can get in my year)
Junior Year- AP Physics AP Calc BC AP Lang and Comp APUSH
Senior Year- (sketch) AP Bio AP Psych AP Stats AP English Honors Spanish 5 (no AP) AP Macroecon
Rather not say parents salary (not poverty or poor)
Speaks 3 languages
I have gotten numerous awards and I am a State Qualifer/Regions Winner in Mathletes