<p>Hello everyone!</p>
<p>This thread is for everyone is has been admitted to Davis for Fall 2010.</p>
<p>Ask questions.
Make comments.
Compare the other schools you have as options.
Share your AGGIE pride.
Dicuss everything!</p>
<p>Have at it!</p>
<p>Aww I have nothing but love for the Aggies! They have such friendly reps and they’re super responsive.</p>
<p>Yup Davis has great communication and a terrific vibe unlike some other schools (sd). Anyone going will def. have a great experience.</p>
<p>Yay! I’m excited and will be attending the Transfer Admit Day next Friday
anyone else going?</p>
<p>Go Aggies !
How are the dorms at UCD in general ? And also how’s the food ?</p>
<p>The dorm I saw looked pretty average to be honest, but the food looked good and there was a lot of variety. The ARC is perfect for burning the calories after eating all of the stuff I saw in the dining center.</p>
<p>The campus is gorgeous and huge. Its really laid back.</p>
<p>I love UCD! Only thing is i’m still unsure which school I’m going to attend. I thought I was just going to go to UCB if I got in, but I’m starting to really like UCD and Cornell. UCD is such a great environment and I absolutely love the campus. Most of my upper-division courses from UCSC actually has a perfect articulation agreement with Davis, so I would be able to finish my major really fast and even allow me double/triple major. </p>
<p>My only worry now is if I can actually follow through and not care about prestige :/</p>
<p>BTW: I’m attending the Decision Day on Friday :)</p>
<p>Wow, Davis and Cornell University?</p>
<p>I won’t be going to Decision Day but I’ve already set an orientation appointment for June. Wooo Aggies! I’m still a little hungover from my Cal rejection, but I’ll get over it.</p>
<p>@makin it rain Yup, I’m going to Admit Day! :)</p>
<p>Hey guys I’ll be there next Friday. Look me up on FB,( I actually don’t want to put my name or a link on here just to be safe. (message me so we could add eachother) Thanks!
I have to be honest, I’m from socal and it’s a little difficult giving up my SB acceptance. I want to stay closer to home but Davis just grabs me so much more than SB. I wasn’t blown away by SB… I feel like I really love Davis.</p>
<p>What do you all think?</p>
<p>I looove Davis! Does anyone know Davis’s policy on changing majors? When I was on my tour the girl told us it was really easy. Does this go for ANY major?</p>
<p>I was told that it was a very easy process and they guide you through it very well. I think as long as you meet the very very very minimum for the major you can do it. The girl that I talked to told me that she’s changed he major many times and that she knows transfer students that have done it easily.</p>
<p>^Good to know</p>
<p>The only thing which i’m confused about right now is picking b/w rez and aparment as i got no clue what the davis rez are like ( furnished, clean etc? ) lol</p>
<p>Same here! Are apartments for transfers isolated? Because i heard that all transfers would hav to live in castillian hall if they chose the dorms.</p>
<p>@ knightmight, they do have a unit cap of 225. if you want to switch into something more unit heavy, you’ll have to make a quarter by quarter plan otherwise, should be fine. The only reason I know this is because im switching from psych to bio. I’m also leaving so cal for davis and honestly I think it’s a great school.</p>
<p>Cool. Thanks for the info!</p>
<p>And great choice! Congrats on your decision.
I hope to see you there.</p>
<p>I can’t wait to attend UC Davis! I love the college town atmosphere. I will be attending Decision Day on Friday.</p>
<p>Add me on Facebook if you want. [Manuel</a> Morales | Facebook](<a href=“Redirecting...”>Redirecting...)</p>
<p>It would be cool to meet each other in person instead of being the socially awkward transfer students haha.</p>
<p>^ Haystack huh? I was born and raised there. Moving back to that part of the world is actually an ongoing nightmare for me (crowded hills, narrow streets, general air of impending doom,…okay I added that last one. . .). Thats why I’m loving Davis more and more, open spaces, healthy people, friendlier vibe, etc</p>