UC Davis Class of 2027 Official Thread

Is Davis decision confirmed tomorrow?

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it is confirmed if it comes out tomorrow.

I think so.



Will they send an email with the statement of acceptance, or will it only notify you to check your admission page to find out if you were?

I believe they update the portal first, then send you a acceptance email or probably a email letting you know to check your portal if you got rejected. I think it is a couple hours after they update the portal so be sure to check at 3:30 tmmrw.


Are decisions coming out for transfers too tomorrow or is it just upcoming freshman?


Just freshman


Today is THE DAY. Good luck to students and parents. Sending a lot of positive vibes to everyone in this forum. To all the students who have worked very hard to get to this point, may the best happen to you. Best wishes.


I wanted to echo these sentiments! Wishing all the best to all the kiddos who worked so very hard for these moments! :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Also remember that with 94K+ applications to UC Davis, a denial is never a reflection of your hard work and capabilities. There just isn’t enough room for everybody unfortunately :frowning:


Good luck to all Today. I think it’s important we tell the kids that since it appears that 30+% of the decision comes from PIQs (which are human read) there is a lot of noise in the decisions.

Further PIQs are often centered on who you are not what you’ve done so it’s nothing they could have done more.

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Is this different from last year?

I would not be posting the 30%+ reference about PIQ’s unless you have actual confirmation from a UC Davis admissions officer. Yes, PIQ’s are Very important and help differentiate students with similar academic backgrounds but no one except admissions knows how important or their impact on the UC Davis application review process.


The 30%+ in regards to PIQ’s was referenced in a UC Merced admission webinar I believe and this information cannot be considered the standard across the board for all UC’s. Each campus determines how they will use the 13 areas of criteria in their application review so just know PIQ’s are Very important for all the UC’s but 30% is not a given.


Do Davis’s decisions usually come out before UCSC decisions?

UCSC has already posted some decisions. UC Davis posts all decisions at once while UCSC posts some early and then the majority later Mid-March.


The only thing for sure is that PIQs are infinitely more important than standardized test scores :wink: Not sure how many UCs still consider AP test scores (vs just AP courses in class rigor), but that would be the only truly objective consideration remaining, and it is not really an official criterion if so.

UCB and UCLA have stated that they consider AP scores and recently UCI in an admissions podcast. I believe it is more to put context to the grades received in those AP classes.


Good to hear… if only it were simple to employ more objective criteria absent socioeconomic influences.

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