UC Davis Class of 2027 Official Thread

Why are on campus apartments less expensive than on campus dorms?

So thrilled to say that my son was accepted today!
Instate/ Small Competitive Private School
Major: Plant Science
4.19 Weighted GPA
ELC (top 9% CA HS): Yes
7 APs including Senior year: AP Bio (3), AP Chemistry (2), AP Physics, AP USGov, AP USHistory (5), AP Language (5), AP Literature
1 Community College class (Geography/Global Issues)
ECs: Newspaper, Wrestling, Hockey, Theatre, Volunteer Hours, Part-Time Job (In-N-Out) and Hockey Referee, Service Trip to Italy Senior Year, NHS, Senior Shepherd Program, Principal’s List, Presidential Scholarship for HS
PIQs: Leadership (working at In-N-Out demonstrating “quiet leadership”); Creative Outlet (gardening); Academic Subject that Inspires (taking a Global Issues Class inspired him to go beyond the garden and think about economic and political issues related to how food is grown and sourced); School or Community a Better Place (being on the newspaper as an editor, providing a spotlight on community members, keeping rogue “editorial” chaplain in line)

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D23 accepted to Data Science today!

GPA: unweighted 3.97, weighted 4.44

12 APs, majority STEM with scores of 4,5 mostly, couple 3s (five APs in progress though)

In state Bay Area

Good ECs -
Martial Arts black belt(s)
Club founder for girls welfare
Club president for GWH
Club VP for mental wellness
Won some regional STEM contests
Summer internships during covid and last year (stem related)

Essays: how can I tell? I am a parent and we had no counselor help. To me they looked fine :), without prior experience

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Our In-State Daughter was accepted!

No Merit scholarship

Major: Biomedical Engineering

Weighted GPA 9-12: 4.51
Unweighted GPA: 4.0
ELC (top 9% CA HS): Yes
Class Rank: 3/545

Comments about course load (including senior year):
Honors courses: 4
AP courses: 5
Dual Enrollment Community College courses: 10

Major Awards:
Science Olympiad regional winner
Mid-size city - School Board science award winner
Varsity Soccer - League MVP

Soccer - school and club.
Track and Field - Section finalist
Executive Producer of school TV station
Helped found a neat club called Creative Design

We found these types of posts very helpful in figuring out where she should apply. Thanks to College Confidential and especially Gumbymom for this service!


D accepted
Unweighted gpa 4.0, weighted 4.52
major: managerial economics
in state
lots of ECs, 6 APs completed, 4 in progress

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Decision: ACCEPTED!
Merit scholarships awarded (if any): Financial aid, loans, and university grants leave me with a $0.00 remaining cost!!!
Major (and division if applicable) applied to: History (College of Letters and Science)

UC Unweighted GPA: 3.95
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.33
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.33
ELC (top 9% CA HS): Yes

Comments about course load (including senior year):
Number of a-g courses: 26
Number of UC Approved Honors courses: 10 (1 honors class, 9 APs)
Number of AP courses/exams (scores in parentheses): 9 AP Exams- Taking 5 this upcoming cycle, but I passed my 4 previous exams
Number of IB courses/exams (score in parentheses): not offered at my HS

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel, etc.): I included 4 awards in my application (AP Scholar with Honor, Scholar Athlete Awards, CSF Golden Seal, and an athletic award



  • Undergraduate summer research program through JHU
  • Student council (junior vice president, senior president)
  • Varsity swim team (4 years)
  • Learning Italian and Latin outside of school (foreign language)
  • Research board advisory program
  • Independent research (cartography and geography)
  • Member (9, 10, 11, 12) and co-chair (grade 12) of CSF (California scholarship federation)

Job/Work Experience: Assistant swim coach over multiple summers

Volunteer/Community service: 100+ community service hours

Summer Activities: Pioneer research (with JHU professor as mentor), independent classes, assistant swim coach

Personal Insight essays (details): Strong essays

Supplemental/Augmented Review: No


State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): In-state resident (CA), not local to the Davis area

Applied for need-based financial aid? Yes

First Generation? No


Strengths: Humanities classes, namely English, History, Religious Studies, and Spanish Language

Weaknesses: Math

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/denied:
Denied: Stanford and CSULB
Waitlisted: U Pitt and LMU
Accepted: UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC Davis, Sacramento State, San Francisco State, Loyola Chicago, Oregon State, Portland State, Trinity Washington (Honors), U of Oregon, U of Portland, U of Puget Sound (Honors), U of San Francisco, and Willamette University (6 year BA/JD program)!

GENERAL COMMENTS:: Still waiting to hear from a bunch of schools! Good luck to everyone :white_heart::green_heart:


Dorms usually require a meal plan while for apartments a meal plan is not required. The apartments listed “The Green at West Village” are for transfers and Sophomores, not Freshman.

Edited: Apparently a meal plan for Sophomores is required??

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S23 waitlisted aerospace engr
SF Bay Area 3.97 UW, 4.28 UC Capped, 4.54 UC Fully weighted
17 AP/H/DE (all 5s except one 4 on AP tests, multiCalc/LinAlg, AP PhysC, AP Stats senior yr)
Very good leadership ECs, no STEM ECs

Congratulations! I hadn’t heard of that scholarship before. Sounds like a nice one!


Do anyone know here that if we move to CA will the cost for us be in state, may be after a year ?

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And sophomores.

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It is extremely difficult.


My D '23 is in!

Major: Electrical Engineering

UC Unweighted GPA: 3.95
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.64
ELC (top 9% CA HS): Yes

Comments about course load (including senior year): 13 AP’s, 2 CC math classes, engineering coursework


Extracurriculars: One long-term performing arts EC, some major specific summer programs (UC COSMOS, etc)

Volunteer/Community service: political campaign work

Supplemental/Augmented Review: No

DEMOGRAPHICS:: white female

Applied for need-based financial aid? Yes

D is super happy! UCs feel like such a lottery now.


What if parents move and buy a house there ?

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Decision: Accepted!!!
Merit scholarships awarded (if any):
Major applied to: Aerospace Science and Engineering
UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.27
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.33

ELC (top 9% CA HS): yes

Comments about course load (including senior year):
Number of a-g courses:
Number of UC Approved Honors courses: school does not offer any
AP courses/exams (scores in parentheses): 10, she took almost all available at her school - AP Euro (4), AP Lang (5), AP Psych (5), AP Calc AB and BC (3), Senior Year - AP Physics, AP Chem, AP Enviro Sci, AP Gov, AP MicroEcon
IB courses/exams (score in parentheses): school does not offer any

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): none

president & founder of engineering club
president & founder of women in Stem club
captain of robotics team
president & founder of creative writing club
6 years of coding -html, java, mostly Python
coded an open source doc used for currently active satellites
co-coordinated an elementary school STEM fair
coordinated multiple professional women in STEM panels

Job/Work Experience: has worked minimal hours at a job for the last 6 months
Volunteer/Community service: 60hrs
Summer Activities: not very much

Personal Insight essays (details): Writing is a strength for her. Wrote one on leadership, one on community, one on diversity, and another on tubing on the lake(determination)

Supplemental/Augmented Review: no

State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): CA
Country (if international applicant):
Applied for need-based financial aid? no
First Generation? no

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Read through the pages of requirements and stipulations in the link I sent you.

If your parents move to California, buy a house and establish California residency then your costs would at in-state rates which is listed at around $39K/year after meeting the residency requirements.

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In that case first year will be OOS tuition after that it will in In State right ?

What should I answer on the prior year debt authorization on the financial aid page?

DD admitted!

Accepted, in state
Animal Science and Management
UW GPA 3.9/ W GPA 4.3
11 AP Classes, 1 honors
Top 9% ELC
Good ECs and PIQs

So happy for her. One of her very top choices, and if she chooses UCD she’ll be a 3rd generation Aggie (both parents graduated from UCD as well as two grandparents).

Congratulations to all those admitted; good luck to those on the waitlist.