UC Davis Class of 2027 Official Thread

Yes if you are able to establish residency, you would be paying 1 year OOS fees.

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In-state, caucasian daughter accepted for Sociology!

8 APs (5 of those in senior year)… Scored two 5s and one 4. No honors courses offered at high school.
All A’s and A-'s, not sure of exact weighted GPAs, but in the 4.3 arena.
ASB 4 years, president senior year
#1 ranked at high school (along with all others with A/A- grades)
part-time job as gymnastics coach
competitive cheerleader
CrossFit participant
created curriculum for and lead leadership club at local elementary school
Sunday School teacher
various babysitting/nanny/tutoring jobs
IMHO solid PIQs

Also accepted U of Georgia, UT Austin, Baylor, Pepperdine, Michigan State, Penn State, Ohio State. Waitlisted for psychology (which is not in her resume wheelhouse) at USC.

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Accepted for statistics! 4.0 UC UW/4.8 W uncapped. In-state. P good ec’s including published research, president of 3 clubs, volunteering and some other community programs. I liked my PIQs a lot, too!

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Such a question deserves its own thread. Please start one if your question is unanswered


S23 Accepted!

Major: Civil Engineering
UC unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC weighted & capped GPA: 4.36
UC fully weighted GPA: 4.64
Number of A-G classes: 24
Number of UC approved Honors/AP/IB or DE courses: 12
In-State/OOS/International: In-state
ELC (top 9% CA HS): Yes

So thankful for our first in-state option!
Accepted: UC Davis, Georgia Tech, UW Seattle, Purdue, UTK, Oregon State, Boise State, UofA
Waiting on other CA schools


D23 accepted! Biology, OOS, 4.0UW, 4.6 UC WGPA, 16 years APs, 28 years a-g classes, Editor-in-Chief, founded two large clubs, varsity, part-time job, city volunteer award, 4th gen college student, no hooks whatsoever.


Cognitive Science
GPA (w): 4.87
UC GPA: 4.4
AP Classes: 8
In- State: So Cal
ASB, Leadership, Special Olympics Club President, Varsity Soccer, 4-year Engineering Academy.

We are floored. Our son is currently a Junior/Psych Major at UCD and he didn’t have anywhere near these stats.

How can we be encouraging as parents??

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UC Davis in the past is known to yield protect, particularly if the applicant is in-state - UCLA, Berkeley, UCSD, UCSB are all legitimate shots. Your D23 has amazing stats and much more beyond that I am sure. The fact that she is waitlisted is another signal of yield protection. She sounds amazing, just tell her to continue being amazing. That’s all the encouragement we need to give as parents.


Twins got accepted.
Son - Major (Data Science) UC capped GPA 4.26 ,Full Weighted GPA 4.57. In state, 8 APs ( Ap Calculaus AB (5),Ap Biology (5),Ap Computer Science (5),AP US History (5),Ap English Language and Composition (5)-,Ap Statistics,Ap Physics C and Ap English Literature in senior year
STEM ECs and many placements in competition

Daughter-Major (Design) UC capped GPA 4.21,Fully weighted GPA 4.54
9 APS (AP Computer Science (5),Ap English Language and Composition(5),AP Biology(4),AP US History(4),Ap Euro Science(2)
AP Calculus AB,AP English Literature,AP Art in senior year.Strong Ecs and Leadership roles and founder of two clubs and multiple awards related to her major and lots of ECs and placements in competitions.


Son just assigned to Green for his Sophomore year. There is a meal plan requirement. A 9 meals option is available on top of Freshman’s option.


Decision: Accepted

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Art History


Homeschool in-state. I’m adding my student’s info in case future homeschool families are interested. Our GPA and any discussion of grades won’t really apply for us.

Comments about course load (including senior year):

Our homeschool curriculum is traditional and rigorous but not “approved” although some dual enrollment classes were taken and a 4.0 was earned.

Number of AP courses/exams (scores in parentheses):

Comp Sci 5
Physics 5
Calc A/B 5
US Hist 5


Extracurriculars: Piano, dance

Job/Work Experience: Runs a small pet care business, professional model

Volunteer/Community service: Has volunteered at the local library since middle school (Volunteer of the Year 2022), Secretary and then President of Teens Reach local chapter, volunteer at American Cancer Society shop

Personal Insight essays (details): I wish I could remember.

Supplemental/Augmented Review: No


State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): CA

First Generation? No

I was very concerned about how they would perform at the UCs without the SAT being allowed, which for a homeschool family is one of the few ways to show that the kids did the work. My son was allowed to submit his SAT results three years ago and did well at UC admission time. I had no idea what our odds were without that. It was a huge relief to get an acceptance.



Sorry to hear about the disappointing results but every year UCD and a couple of other UC’s are targeted that they yield protect which is not correct.

Yield protect is a strategy some individuals feel that is used by colleges to increase their yield rate which in basically rejects highly qualified applicants who they believe will not enroll if accepted. Schools that offer EA/ED/EDII/SCEA or REA have been associated with this Yield protection concept but not confirmed. Since UC’s do not consider an applicants interest in their admission criteria, this strategy does not fit the UC model.

Yield management uses a colleges historical yield rate to determine how many students need to be admitted to fill their incoming classes. They use their yield rate to predict revenue, housing availability and the # of course offerings needed each year. One of the ways the UC’s can mange their yield is through their waitlists.

The simple fact is there are far more qualified applicants than there are spots. With 94K Freshman applicants, many are in the same situation.

Which schools a student is accepted to will not define them. Best of luck to your student.


OOS - east coast private school
3.8 unweighted
School doesn’t offer AP
Not first gen college


D23 accepted, Env Science, in-State (ELC 9% yes). 4.12 UC capped GPA, 4.4+ uncapped, weighted GPA. Very strong ECs. very fact-based PIQs. very happy to have this option.

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Hang in there! Our #3 got waitlisted too and we already have 2 at UC Davis - one had lower stats, less work experience and less extra cirriculars.

I guess it’s just a sign of the times. I do wonder if the removal of the SAT has something to do with it too.

My daughter #3 had excellent essays too. She’s philosophical about it. I showed her the email someone posted on here that was sent to the school counselors about the number of highly qualified applicants and she has accepted a place on the waitlist and will reject them if she decides she prefers somewhere else lol.

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Great stats - congrats.

No “yield protect” happening so far. I’m sure twins will have a good shot at top half of UCs.

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Decision: Accepted
Merit scholarships awarded (if any): No
Major: Economics
UC Unweighted GPA: 3.92
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.25
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.42

ELC (top 9% CA HS): Yes

Number of a-g courses: 25 years
Number of UC Approved Honors courses: 4
AP courses/exams: 8 (4 senior year)

Extracurriculars: Travel ball, 2 varsity sports, team captain, 4 years school newspaper, volunteer coach, freshman orientation committee, weightlifting

Personal Insight essays (details): Strong IMO. Introspective. Showed perseverance, humility, personal growth

Supplemental/Augmented Review: No

State/location of HS: CA Bay Area
Applied for need-based financial aid? No
First Generation? No


Other acceptances: Fordham, Loyola Marymount, Loyola Chicago, St Mary’s, The New School


DD23 waitlisted, in state NorCal, bio. 4.19 capped, 4.26 weighted, 9 AP/UC honors classes.
She already accepted waitlist!
Accepted UCR, CSULB, SJSU, CPP, USF, SLO. She has choices so happy for her.