UC Davis Class of 2027 Official Thread

Thank you so much! We hope so.

Definitely research all the ins and outs of it. I know that at least at UCLA there are times when it has taken longer for families than one year to get the approval. There have been lots of appeals and waiting in some cases. Just make sure you know exactly what it will take, starting with the link shared with you. Congrats on the admit!

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To be clear, getting into UC Davis is an accomplishment. It is a selective university and hard to get into (especially some majors like CS but generally true across majors as well). Congratulations to all who were accepted. My D23 is also one of them who got accepted to UC Davis this year and she is very happy.

As an Admissions Director, you have to look at yield and there are sophisticated models at play to determine yield reasonably accurately. Ignoring rankings entirely, not doing yield management well results in challenges down the road e.g., course selection issues, on-campus housing issues, overcrowding etc.

There are 2 generally available tools for Admissions Directors to manage yield - EDs and Waitlists. As @Gumbymom pointed out UCs don’t do EDs. However, they do manage yield through WLs. It is only prudent for Admissions Directors to do that.

Once again, this in no way diminishes the accomplishments of those who got in (including my D23). Finally as @Gumbymom also said which school a student is accepted to and enrolls in absolutely does not define them.


Accepted to Biochem/MolBio. Got Aggie Scholarship (first-year $1500 stipend)

In-State (local too! -Sacramento) w/ ELC (4.3 UC GPA)


UW Seattle Direct Admit to CS?


Decision: Accepted
Merit scholarships awarded (if any): unlikely
Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Undeclared, Social Sciences

UC Unweighted GPA: 3.96
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.28
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.32

ELC (top 9% CA HS): Definitely statewide top 9% designation, really confused about schoolwide

Comments about course load (including senior year): Pretty rigorous but not top, top rigor (APs + one DE class); progressively more rigor from 10th-12th (4 of 6 weighted courses Senior Year); school doesn’t offer many Honors courses, just AP and IB
Number of a-g courses: 25?
Number of UC Approved Honors courses: 9-ish?
AP courses/exams (scores in parentheses): AP Chem (didn’t report score lol – COVID year and she got a 2); AP Lang (5); APUSH (5); AP Bio (4); taking 4 APs now (Lit, Econ, American Gov, Environmental Science)
IB courses/exams (score in parentheses): n/a she’s not in IB (though she’s taking IB Studio Art anyway)

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): none

Extracurriculars: Pretty strong (sustained activity for 10+ years, choral singing at a very high/quasi professional level; plus related leadership and mentoring around same); 4 years of a club sport at school
Job/Work Experience: Summer jobs (camp counselor etc.), school year job few hours/per week related to ECs
Volunteer/Community service: Mainly one sustained activity over the course of about 2 years – 200+ hours for sure, maybe more – kind of a non-traditional activity that I think sets her apart
Summer Activities: See above + many activities related to EC

Personal Insight essays (details): Strong. Definitely 3 of the 4 strong, at least – responses cohesive with the EC list

Supplemental/Augmented Review: No

State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): In-state, large public HS in the Bay Area
Country (if international applicant):
Applied for need-based financial aid? Yes but won’t get it
First Generation? No


Strengths: Cohesiveness of her story, devotion to, development within a particular EC over many, many years (showing leadership, growth, commitment to community, etc.)

Weaknesses: A few courses short of where she could have been in terms of honors/DE (school doesn’t have many honors, but also she didn’t work too hard to add extra courses outside of HS)

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/denied: ACCEPTED: UCSC, Cal Poly SLO, Lewis & Clark w/$36K per year merit, U of Puget Sound w/merit to be communicated next week. CSULB, SDSU, U of Oregon w/OOS merit $10K per year / WAITLISTED: LMU / DENIED: none yet, but certainly coming :wink:

GENERAL COMMENTS: Very very happy to have UC Davis as an option. It’s a wonderful school in a great college town!


Waitlisted for CS. Chances seem very low from last year.

Congrats to all those who made it!

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Son got admitted to CS. We are instate, from Bay Area.


Has anyone received an email? Son cannot access his portal.

Congrats! Been following your journey and so happy for him and your family!

Son got an email with admission decision.

Thank you.

Son accepted!

Mechanical engineering

UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.27
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.6
ELC (top 9% CA HS): yes

Number of a-g courses: 28 classes
Number of UC Approved Honors courses: 2 UC approved I think? 6 non-UC approved
AP courses/exams (scores in parentheses): 10 AP classes, scores: four 5s, one 4
DE classes: 4

Good PIQs, solid ECs, leadership, and awards but nothing really wow (at least compared to CC standards)
Supplemental/Augmented Review: No

State/location of HS: southern California, large public HS

Received an email sometime after checking his portal.


No. Undeclared Engineering. Let me update my post.

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Daughter accepted, I don’t know her stats (hey, she’s my second kid!) but I do know she was ELC.

So far I don’t see anyone sharing that they received a Regents scholarship…?


Someone on Reddit mentioned getting Regents.

My daughter’s friend who went to Davis as a freshman last year did not find out about Regents until she got her full award letter a little later than her initial acceptance on the portal. I don’t know how it works usually though. I was surprised to see that person on Reddit because of that friend’s experience.

Edited to add: She did have it in her portal, she just did not check anything til her mom returned home from a trip and saw it in the letter. lol

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What is the timeframe for waitlist decisions to be released?

Would love an answer to this!

How long did that take? Hours, days, …?

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