UC Davis Class of 2027 Official Thread

I know that those of whom were accepted received emails with "Congratulations…"in the email (ie, no need to check portal to find out about acceptance). Two questions:

  1. Did those receiving waitlist/rejection receive the information in the email or did it require logging into portal to receive status?

  2. Did anyone who applied to UCD NOT receive any email on Friday?

Thank you

Yes, the email subject line said “Congratulations, you’re an Aggie!”

edited - sorry, misread your message

Waitlist was in the body of the email on Friday.

D23 Waitlisted
W: 4.83 UC: 4.39 UW:3.96
Cognitive Science
4 year V cheer, captain
JO gymnast
Lots of ECs
Strong PIQs IMO

A bit baffled

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Oh, and 10APs

Yes, many are baffled by UCD decisions but at the end of the day that’s what happens in holistic review.


My daughter committed to UC Davis, NPB Program, and signed the SIR. Super proud and super happy for her. She had gotten into many good colleges and also still waiting on decisions for UCLA/UCB/IVY day et all. But, once UCD came in, she was clear that its where she wants to be. She reckons that UCD will not just give good education, it offers a good environment as well. We are thrilled. Good luck to everyone!


OOS on IS? My kid got in for cog-sc. 4.0/4.8. 12 AP. The only difference I see is a few STEM ECs.

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In state. So Cal. How about you?

Congratulations! My daughter is going to commit on Aggie Day!

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There is an email for waitlist for my son which reads:

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9 posts were split to a new thread: UC PIQ’s Discussion: How are they evaluated?

D accepted to Theatre and Dance
gpa 3.9uw/4.2 w

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It’s 8am - 3pm.


OOS? What is JO gymnast?


From my understanding, JO is Junior Olympics - it’s the highest national level of competition for those in high school. That’s pretty impressive.


Good luck to your daughter. If she hasn’t toured UCD earlier, she will most likely love it. This campus is not a concrete jungle and there is so much green space to breathe and live. You don’t see those classy large roman style buildings or libraries, but, nice new structures that are well spread out. My Daughter wants to live close to a city, but, not actually live in the noise of a big city and this was a great fit. Also, during tour, my daughter felt the vibe that while students are challenged, they are not under big stress and fighting with each other. UCD drives the word collaboration and teamwork in every discussion and therefore students don’t get in with a “win at all costs” mindset to the campus. These are the points that led my daughter
to accept.


Those are two things that stand out about Davis from everything I hear: emphasis on collaboration and the benefits of living in a true college town. Congratulations to your daughter on making her decision!


I have moved the discussion about PIQ’s and their evaluation into a separate discussion thread.

Please post your comments here: UC PIQ’s Discussion: How are they evaluated?