UC Davis Class of 2027 Official Thread

ouch. D23 and I fly back from Italy the day before in the afternoon to LA. Have to figure out how to get up there immediately. ugh.

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: UC Davis Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

A post was merged into an existing topic: UC Davis Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Sacramento airport is about 20 miles from Davis.


Any scholarships for OOS students (merit based ?)

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The Provost scholarship which is for OOS students. I saw one student that received at time of admission.

Do we have to apply for it ? How to confirm if I received it at time of decision ?

If you received a scholarship at time of admission, it should be listed on the MyAwards tab on the student portal. Also most merit scholarships are automatically awarded at time of admission. There are some scholarships as an enrolled student you can apply later.


My daughter got Provost last year, and it came with (and at the same time as) the offer of admission. Looked like the pic below. (Was very obvious.)


Waitlisted for CS… Very upset to see this.
Good stats, ELC, Lot of CS related extra curriculars including 3 software internships, Research, Hackathons
NMS Finalist, Perfect SAT score ( I know it wont count), COSMOS summer program.
From Competitive Bay Area High school

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Was it the CS in College of Letters and Science? Or the CS and Engineering in College of Engineering?

Wow, seems like UC Davis is really selective this year.

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Congratulations !! Would you mind sharing her stats. I checked myawards, I don’t think I got any award. I have not filled the FAFSA too though. Is there any scholarship which I can apply to still ?

The UC Application for Admission and Scholarships serves as your application for campus-based scholarships at UC Davis for Freshman. Incoming applications must be completed by November 30. A minimum 3.25 GPA is required for all applicants for our UC Davis-based scholarships. Be sure to read all instructions pertaining to scholarships when completing the application, paying particular attention to the restricted scholarship eligibility codes.

Unless specifically requested of you, no additional information will be needed to be considered for our 2023-24 scholarships.

You can contact the FA office to see if there are any scholarships available that are not automatically considered at time of application or wait till next year where you would be eligible as a continuing student.


Hello! I have a quick question. I did get accepted into UC Davis, and as the next step was took look under the, MyAwards tab. When I do look, this is what I see. I’m but confused on what I would need to pay or want I’m granted? Like was is the total cost I gotta pay to attend.

If nothing else, I would recommend you complete the FAFSA since that’s the only way you can qualify for the federal student loan (either subsidized or not) that is the only money that you will be allowed to take out in loans for college. Any other loans would be taken out by your parents, and the rates are much less favorable. We are trying hard to cover the full cost of attendance without taking loans as parents, but we have had our kids apply for FAFSA so that they can at least take out the federal money at decent rates (it’s a max of 5,500 I think when you are a freshman; goes up for the other years to maybe about $7,000); we’ll repay them even though the loans are in their names. I’m thinking you will at least want the option to accept those loans, so go ahead and fill out the FAFSA.


You can send me a PM with your FA package and I can try to explain the information. Do not post publicly on this website.

Look for the green circle on your CC avatar upper right hand side of the website.

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Hi KillKam,

We’re from Washington State, and obviously this is from last year, but here are her stats for 2022.

Daughter accepted Biology OOS (Washington)
UC Unweighted GPA: 3.93 HS; 3.90 AA in Biology
UC capped GPA: 4.40
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.80

EC: Usual stuff like NHS, volunteering at elementary school, etc., wrote 2 novels (self published) and a manga series, spent lots of the pandemic doing custom, free artwork for others.
Top WA HS, but school doesn’t do class rank. Graduated HS in 3 years and got AA in Biology at the same time. (So, both AA and HS diplomas in 3 years total.)
Also accepted: UC Irvine, Whitman, Santa Clara, WSU, U of Oregon, Gonzaga, UW Bothell, University of Hawaii Manoa, Western Washington
Denied: UCSD, UCB

She committed to Davis and really wanted to go there, but she was adamant about not retaking courses. After working with Davis for 4 months (until August), she was told she’d have to retake two courses, so she opted for UW (Seattle), instead. She’s very happy there now, majoring in Plant Biology and Japanese, but will be applying to Davis for grad school this fall.

As a side note, my son is entering UW in CSE as a transfer this spring. (He got his AS at Cascadia.) If that works out for you, feel free to DM with questions. The advisors were really great at helping him come up with other ideas, like ACMS, if CSE didn’t come through for him. It’s definitely worth scheduling an appointment with them to talk through options.


Students with “ultra” high stat will likely admitted by UCB and/or UCLA. More than likely, those students would choose to go to UCLA or UCB even if Davis admitted them. That could be why Davis is limiting acceptance in the “ultra” high stat student group.

If you do a search in the forum you will see over the years, a lot of students admitted to UCB and UCLA are rejected by Davis.

Keep your hopes up.

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Son accepted Environmental Science and Management
Unsure of how to compute exact GPAs- unweighted 3.6-3.7-ish
UC capped- approx 4.0

5 APs, 2 Honors

EC: Modest during high school, took gap year after high school to do a social justice-oriented internship program related to major.

Also accepted: Whitman, Willamette, University of Oregon, University of Arizona, CU Boulder, UC Riverside

Not first gen or socioeconomically disadvantaged. Diverse middling high school, reside in very diverse zip code in Northern California with lower median income than adjacent zip codes served by high school. (No idea if they look at this kind of thing.)

Not gonna lie- we are VERY surprised. I guess holistic application review is a thing.