UC Davis Class of 2027 Official Thread

If you read results threads, you will see plenty of ultra high stat students who have been accepted. To imply any student accepted must somehow be not as good is hurtful.

Davis got almost 100,000 applications. Buckets of qualified top students are going to get denied, that is just the way the numbers work.


This is wrong. When an “ultra” high stat student is rejected, he/she is probably losing out to a similarly high stat applicant given the number of applicants relative to the number of seats.


All this high stats discussion was spurred off someone’s reply to a poster who’s student had a perfect SAT score and NMF. GPA wasn’t even mentioned, despite being the only “stat” that matters in this case. Probably not worth the debate.


Congratulations to your daughter! My DS got accepted and we will be touring the campus for the first time on Aggie day. I really think my son will like it based on everything I’ve heard. He loved Oregon State and Santa Cruz because they had an outdoorsy feel…he doesn’t want to be in an urban environment.

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Whether or not it is a part of aggie day tour plan, walk with your son in the arboretum for a few minutes and that’s the pinnacle of nature and outdoorsy in a campus. Best wishes.


I think the “ultra” mentioned here is people admitted to mit/caltech. i remember one such case last year.

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My daughter is the same. She loved the campus! It’s a more traditional college campus in a traditional college town. The Arboretum is not to be missed, a gorgeous park in the middle of campus.

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Could well be. But we know it to be true that UC Davis neither knows nor cares if you have applied or been admitted elsewhere. So that wouldn’t explain a rejection. It just sometimes happens that way. Wish all our kids could get a personalized “why we didn’t admit you” session with each school! Alas.


I was not implying anything. I was saying “limiting” offer to “ultra” stat student, meaning it won’t offer all of them an admission.

I am almost 100% sure all students get at least one rejection if they apply to all the UCs. There is no need to feel bad about a single rejection/waitlist.

Just curious, if your D23 also admitted to UCB or UCLA, which schools would she SIR to?

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One student was waitlisted at my sons school- he already has EA at Stanford and is waiting on MIT.
Another thing to consider with all the high stat kids- are they a good fit? Are they an athlete, play the French horn, Choir, an activist, are they from a super rural county etc. Grades and great writers aren’t the only parameters.


Son got OOS into UC Davis biomedical engineering with Provost Scholarship ($13125/yr), engineering undeclared at UW (P and G scholarship $5400/year) and biomedical engineering Cal Poly SLO (no scholarship). It is almost the same price for each school. He is leaning toward UW. He is from Hawaii and looking for advice on pros and cons. He doesn’t care about missing the sunshine and outdoor activities. So weather isn’t a factor. LOL

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If he wants information on the pros and cons of each school, I suggest you start a new discussion thread in the College Search and Selection section. I would check to make sure all 3 schools are ABET accredited for BME.


I would pick the school that has the best “connections” with the industry that leads to better opportunities in research, internship and career.

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I honestly don’t know. She’s EE so Cal has a great program, but also a really unappealing crime scene and a housing crisis. UCLA has housing, and a lovely neighborhood, but is in SoCal and she’s thinking she wants something different. She wouldn’t have applied to Davis if she wouldn’t happily go, and it is financially attractive. Davis is known for being very friendly and happy, and that has a lot of appeal to her.


This is not true. I know someone who has a similar profile and was accepted for CS. Many others have been accepted, and likewise some have been also waitlisted.

There are students who are admitted to all of the UCs. While the majority have mixed results, I would caution against making an assumption about all students.


Proximity to airport might be a consideration.


My son got waitlisted to a few schools but I taught him that same thing would happen to him throughout his life. We accept and move on.


This is true, but I get OP’s sentiment. It could be because admissions are now more holistic than ever, and each one has its own slightly unique set of factors that are almost impossible to achieve across the board for a single student.

Years ago, I can recall hearing about several cases each single year where people got accepted into every UC (especially when they were still considering the SAT-usually a 1520+ seemed like the sweet spot to get acceptances across the board). However, now “ultra” high stat applicants who get into UCLA and/or Berkeley, more often than not, report getting a waitlist from schools generally considered lower (especially Irvine and Davis). The last time I’ve heard of someone getting into every single one is probably 2019ish.


My friends’ daughter graduated from UCB, EECS major like 8 years ago. It is basically a CS +EE major that students can choose classes from either software and hardware to fit their career goals.

His son is a junior at UCLA, also EE major with the Fast Track to Success Program. It is a honor program with summer internship opportunities. I think being in a honor program, he has priority in register for classes, so taking some extra CS classes should not be a problem.

My son started Davis as an EE major last year, he is switching to computer engineering (CE) because he wants to take more CS classes. The reason is, as an EE, he has the lowest priority in registering for most CS classes. And so far, after trying for 2 quarters, it seems impossible. For example, ECS20 (discrete math) only allows CS, CE and data science majors to register in “pass 1” and all other major can register in “pass 2”. That is 2 weeks after “pass 1”. By the time he is allow to register, there are already 10 persons waitlisting in each of the 3 sessions.

If your D23 is determined to be EE, getting classes in the major should not be a problem. But trying to take extra CS classes as an EE may be challenging in Davis.

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