UC Davis Class of 2027 Official Thread

No, it’s not there

I would call the FA office tomorrow to confirm.
Front Desk Hours: Mon-Fri, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
​​Telephone: 530-752-2390
Mon-Fri, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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Thank you!

His UC GPA is 4.32 and he’s ranked 3rd in his class. He has good extracurriculars and placed semifinals at USABO one year but nothing super crazy like internships or research experience.


My D also received the Regents certificate in the mail this week, but it doesn’t show up in her MyAwards account. When she originally received her acceptance email, the site showed that she received the Fulmor Scholarhip and an invitation to the Honors program. Does anyone know if the Fulmor scholarship and the Regents scholarship are the same thing or are they separate awards?

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The Fulmor scholarship is in the same amount as Regents. Perhaps the scholarships recipients were decided after the FA packages were prepared? I suggest you contact the FA office and find out.


Did anyone else get an actual letter/envelope in the mail from UC Davis? We have an envelope coming today and either it’s just a paper letter of acceptance or I am imagining hopefully that it’s a letter like the others have posted about more merit-based aid than they originally posted online!

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We got an actual letter in the mail. I opened it this morning.


Yes we got that yesterday. No additional aid for us, just welcome letter.

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Darn it! Wishful thinking I knew :joy:

My daughter and I just called the Financial Aid office at Davis. They said that the Regents Scholarship is separate from all the other scholarships, and if you received one in the mail, it will show up in the MyAwards page sometime in the future. They said you can email the scholarships team to ask when it will show up in your account.


Created a separate thread to vent about UCD decisions here - Vent about UC decisions

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Only just discovered these discussion boards - really useful, great community!

Decision: Accepted!
Merit scholarships awarded (if any): none
Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Materials Engineering

UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.32
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.48
ELC (top 9% CA HS): N/A (grades 9-11 were OOS)

Comments about course load (including senior year):
Number of a-g courses: 25
Number of UC Approved Honors courses: 4
Number of AP courses/exams (scores in parentheses): Only 4(!)
Calculus AB (5), Calculus BC (5), Physics 1 (5), Comp Sci Principles (3)

Number of IB courses/exams (score in parentheses): N/A
5 community college courses including linear algebra (torture) and 2 other STEM courses

Awards: National Merit Commended Student, Davidson Young Scholar, and Davidson Ambassadors Program

-Community service: set up a non-profit/ created a website and videos to educate families on learning disabilities and encourage kids with LDs
-Music: Near-professional level guitarist, plays alternative and classic rock, competed in battle of the bands competitions, livestreamed during pandemic, etc.

South Asian male (not a consideration for UCs, I know, but it is a major factor in non-California schools)

State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): In-state, Bay Area
Applied for need-based financial aid: No
First Generation: No

Also accepted:
UCSD, UIUC, Virginia Tech - all Nano Engineering or Materials engg.
Cal Poly Pomona and SJSU - Computer Science

All - Now that DS 23 has been accepted at both UCSD and Davis, would love your thoughts on choosing between them.
In my (type A, high achievement-oriented) mom brain, I am like, UCSD engineering is better ranked than Davis, and the campus is really nice, so why isn’t this a clear choice?
However from a fit/ happiness/ human perspective, he is keen to stay close to the Bay Area so he can visit home often - he is even hoping every weekend(!) but I told him that’s unrealistic with college workloads and activities.
He also wants to take 1 gap year, and Davis appears to be the only UC willing to allow a deferral. I’ve posted a similar question in the UCSD thread and would appreciate thoughts from this group as well.

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To me fit/happiness/human perspective should be an indisputable priority over ranking.


Same for my DS23. We thought he would be decided between Davis and Cal Poly, but UCSD was a nice surprise.

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Davis is collaborative instead of competitive which was a big deciding factor for my child. Davis also has a greater sense of community and a great college town. In some areas, the community battles against the university (ex. Berkeley, SLO). In Davis, the two work hand-in-hand to support each other. (Example: NY Times Article, housing MOU). UCSD is more spread out and has less of a student community once students move out of the dorms.

That said, if you are from the Bay Area and your student is looking for a change of pace, UCSD is a great option. Unfortunately, Aggie Day and Triton Day are both on April 8. You might visit Triton Day on April 8 and Picnic Day in Davis on April 15.


If he is set on taking a gap year, then there isn’t much of a choice.


Yeah. Guess I’m in denial about what I’m excited about (nano engineering, how unique and cool) vs. what he really wants (gap year, proximity to bay area) :slight_smile:

Helpful parenting insight. Learning to let go!


You also posted in the UCI thread that he may be working with the Student Disability Center. If so, do your research as some schools are easier to work with than others.

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