UC Davis Class of 2027 Official Thread

100% - UCDavis on March 03, 2023 is removed after a “miss”. :slight_smile:

Was March 3rd posted as 100%? Well, will have to wait and watch when they actually come out .


I am sure that someone from UC Davis is on this thread and getting a good chuckle out of these predictions :wink:


I believe it was written like this before March 04

“All decisions will likely become available on March 03, 2023 or March 10, 2023 based on previous years’ decision date.”

“All decisions will likely become available on March 10, 2023 based on last year’s decision date.”

It could be like this after March 10 if nothing happen:
“All decisions will likely become available on March 17, 2023 based on previous years’ trend.” (i.e delay by one week every year)

If it still not happening on Marth 17, maybe:
“All decisions will become available by end of March 2023 based on information printed on your UC application.”

In my mind, you can’t miss it when it comes out, you will hear from the forum here, update from MsSun, and hear from classmates or even consolers in high school.

In reality, most students can’t really make the “final” decision until they hear from all the schools that you applied. And, more than likely, until all their friends share with him/her that which schools they are admitted and heading.


It is a good thing that UCs try not to release on the same day. I remember a person posted getting 2 waitlists and 2 rejects on the same day last year.


Agree. Too many blows on the same day are hard to handle for our anxious hard working kids.

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Bummer that UCSD and UCLA come out on the same day - can make it either a great or really disappointing day!


I think SD and LA are spaced out by a few hours, if that’s any consolation. (It isn’t)

And UCI is supposed to be same day too I believe


Oy…that can really make it a bad day! Or hopefully for everyone on this forum… a great day :wink:


UCI decisions are coming down 3/17, confirmed.


Honestly I kind of hope that UCLA waits another week if they have to get both UCI and UCSD in the same day on 3/17. That’s a lot to handle in one fell swoop!


I guess we are all wired differently. For me (a student) the waiting is the worst and I’d prefer all of the UC decisions tomorrow even if they are all rejections. I’m looking forward to closure.


Very valid perspective!

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It will soon be over. Hang in there. Everyone will find the best place for them and flourish there on. Good luck :four_leaf_clover: to everyone!


How do you know ?

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Out of curiosity, has anyone here applied to the EPAP major?

My dd was accepted environmental science 3/13/20 according to my excel sheet- the day the world stopped smh :woman_facepalming:t2:

Absolutely the same way here!! All this waiting has me so stressed out especially since I like to plan for stuff way ahead :sob: Ever since I sent in my application back in October, every day I’ve thought to myself “Ok, we are one day closer to Davis decisions”… I can’t hardly stand it anymore! Best of luck to you :four_leaf_clover:


Oh dear. You have waited so long. It is almost here. One day you will look back and think why did I stress so much. You will get in a good school, have a great time at college and will do great in life. All these college rankings are for namesake. Wherever you are happy is the best place for you. Hang in there. We are all here with you. Good luck :four_leaf_clover: