UC Davis Fall 2023: Transfer Thread

Please join the discussion and use the template with your pertinent information.

TAG or Alternate Major:
#of pre-requisites completed by Fall prior:
IGETC status:

School Type:
Income Bracket:
Other (strengths, weaknesses, hooks,):

A prospective freshman friend of mine has gotten their portal link, but I have not. I’m an incoming transfer, not an incoming freshman, but I don’t think a thread has been made for transfers yet. Are the portal link release dates different for freshmen and transfers?

I started the new Fall 2023 Transfer discussion for UC Davis. The portal information should be available for Transfers this month- December. Make sure you check your Spam/Junk folder.

Major: Psychology
GPA: 3.8
Extracurriculars: President of LEO Club, participating in dance program at my CC, volunteered as a TA for a summer enrichment/extended school year program for regular curriculum/special ed elementary students, work 20 hours a week during the school year and summer, had a job in math tutoring then a barista job
IGETC status: Will be completed by Spring 2023

Gender: Female
In-state/OOS/International?: In-state (not local tho, from the Bay Area)
School Type: CCC (California Community College)
Income Bracket: Middle Class
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.): I got one W on my transcript as I dropped a class during Fall 2022, also got Ds during highschool but my overall highschool GPA was >3.5, also trying to do a 1-year CC transfer! I completed a lot of credits in HS through dual enrollment, AP classes, and taking CC classes during the summer so I have a big head start on transfering :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:
Where else did you apply/TAG?: UC Irvine (TAG), UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, UC Riverside, and UCLA

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I’m a transfer applicant for Fall 2023 and I received and an email from UC Davis regarding the regents scholarship yesterday, February 6th.

Here is what the email stated:

"Dear Student,

Greetings from UC Davis Financial Aid and Scholarships. Our records show you have applied for transfer admission consideration to UC Davis for fall 2023. We are honored UC Davis is a preferred choice and, if admitted, you may be eligible for the Regents Scholarship.

Please note, this correspondence does not confirm your admission to UC Davis; scholarship consideration is separate from the admissions decision process. Transfer applicants will be notified of their admissions decision in late April via myadmissions.ucdavis.edu.

The Regents Scholarship is the most prestigious scholarship at UC Davis and is awarded to students solely based on academic and personal achievements. Recipients receive a two-year honorarium award of $7,500 per year, disbursed over three quarters, assuming the student continues to meet the criteria. For a full list of privileges and perks of the scholarship, please visit Regents Scholarships.

To be considered for the Regents Scholarship:

  1. Gather your UC Davis ID number provided in the email sent by Undergraduate Admissions acknowledging receipt of your fall 2023 application. The acknowledgment was sent to the email address provided on your UC application.
  2. Set up a UC Davis login ID and password. (Confirmation of the set-up can take up to 24 hours.) If you have already created a login ID and cannot remember it, please contact IET Express.
  3. Log in to the UC Davis Scholarship site.
  4. Complete and submit the UC Davis Transfer Regents Application.

The deadline to submit the scholarship application is Friday, February 24, 2023. The scholarship application is comprised of the following:

  • One letter of recommendation
  • Three short essays
  • Job history
  • Extracurricular activities

We require one letter of recommendation, but you may request two. Please note, we will only read the first letter if both letters are received. Once you have requested a letter of recommendation through the website, your recommender will receive an email with instructions on how to upload their letter. The deadline for the letter of recommendation(s) is Monday, February 27, 2023."

I’m confused as to whether or not this is an “invitation” to apply to the regents scholarship, since you stated UC Davis does not send invites. Did every applicant receive this email, or at least every transfer applicant? Also, do you think this is a good sign in terms of whether or not I might be admitted? For reference, I have a 4.0 gpa and I applied as an economics major.

Congratulations. Yes, this is an invite to apply to Regents. Transfer students are invited to apply while for Freshman students it is automatic consideration. It is a very good sign for being admitted.

Wow okay, I did not know that! Do you know what the criteria for being invited is and how many transfer students are invited to apply?

Transfer Regents invites and awards are given to students based solely on their academic (Usually UC Transfer GPA of 3.8+) and personal achievements. I do not know how many Transfer students receive the invite or the award. Usually Regent scholars are the top 1-2% of applicants.

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Just curious, are both freshmen and transfers notified in February for Berkeley regents or only freshmen?

UC Davis notifies Freshman applicants with the March decisions. Regents for Freshman is automatic and no invites.

Transfers are invited in February and will hear with decisions in April.

Hi I hope you’re doing good.
Just wanted to know my chances of getting into UC davis and other UC’s
Transferring form CC
GPA:- 3.75
Major:- Political Science and alternate major Economics
In state student
CO-Curricular Activities:- College student union:- Executive board/Treasurer, COPA club President, Deans list throughout community college duration and Teaching assistant.
Applied:- All Uc’s
Accepted:- UCR(also got regents scholarship) waiting for the other Universities.

Note:- Got an invitation to apply for regents in UC Davis.

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Based on your invite to apply to Regents, you are basically admitted to UCD. Congratulations.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: UCLA Fall 2023: Transfer Thread

Congrats. Did u apply TAG to UCR?

Major: Cognitive Science
GPA: 3.73
Alternate Major: Design
#of pre-requisites completed by Fall prior: all except 1 (which I’m completing now)
Extracurriculars: Independent/freelance web designer, have been volunteering at an animal rescue for about a year (+minor leadership positions there), fostered kittens for a bit, previously worked as a behavior technician, dean’s list, participating in my CC’s psychology club and Psi-Beta chapter.
IGETC status: Completing spring 2023

In-state/OOS/International: In-state, Bay Area
School Type: CCC
Income Bracket: Middle Class
Other (strengths, weaknesses, hooks,): Already accepted to TAG to UC Davis

Also applied to UCSD, Cal Poly SLO, CSULB, SDSU, SJSU, and SFSU.


I’m also doing a 1-year transfer! Did a ton of dual enrollment in high school too. Nice to see someone else doing the same thing :slight_smile:

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Hey, No I didn’t TAG UCR, I’ve Tagged UCI

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Major: Computer Science
Alt Major ( second choice ): Data Science
GPA: 3.95
Extracurriculars: Not many
IGETC status: Certified

Gender: Male
In-state/OOS/International?: In State
School Type: CC
Income Bracket: Middle Income
Other (Strengths, weaknesses, hooks, etc.):
Where else did you apply/TAG?: UCSC (TAG), UCB, UCSD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCSB,
UCR( accepted data science )

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Hello, I’m new to this forum. I’m a prospective Computer Science transfer, and since this major is very competitive at Davis, I was hoping someone could look at this and give me their opinion on my chances of being accepted, as I’ve recently been feeling anxious about it haha.

Major: Computer Science
GPA: 3.70 (might decrease to 3.69 if I get a B in my chemistry class this semester)
Alternate Major: Cognitive Science
#of pre-requisites completed by Fall prior: I’ve pretty much completed all required courses of my major by the end of Spring 2022.

  • Part-time job in the Information Technology field
  • TOP (Transfer Opportunity Program); I’ve been told to list it as an extracurricular on the UC application
  • Aggie Transfer Scholars Weekend (ATSW) participant in 2021
    • In 2022, there was an ATSW reunion event in which I got to speak as a panelist with 3 other community college members at UC Davis
  • CubeSat Project (a community college-led project for creating a cube-shaped satellite and sending it into space); I’m just a regular member, we’re only in the planning stages
  • Member at Model United Nations club (only for Fall 2022)

IGETC status: By the end of this semester, I should be able to be certified

In-state/OOS/International: In-state
School Type: Los Rios Community College
Income Bracket: $70,000-$80,000
Other (strengths, weaknesses, hooks,):

  • No leadership experience
  • In one of my PIQs, I wrote about writing a book and developing small video games. The book had 0 sales though, and I’m not sure if they would like reading about game development or take it seriously
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