UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

WOW! Outstanding information! You are awesome! CC definitely offers a wealth of great insight!! Thank you.


Not a scam. There are actually kids who have sustained leadership and community service experience throughout high school and even before (my kid’s community service began at 9 years old and was something she was really passionate about). Not all kids “exaggerate”.

I, for one, am very grateful for the holistic review that looks beyond just stats.


My daughter got into the neurobiology physiology and behavior program. Its popular so meaning it’s capped?

UC’s do audit EC’s especially if there might be a “red flag” so they try to keep students from embellishing their accomplishments. No system is perfect but the majority of applicants are honest on their applications.


My daughter has a friend who was audited this year. She had to submit proof of all ECs and hours.


Thank you for this information. CS is still quite low.

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Yes, 3% is low but with 104 majors at UCD, there is still a significant number of undergrads in the program. UCD’s undergrad enrollment was 30433 for 2021 so that is about 913 CS majors.


UCD does not use capped, but Selective. All majors in the College of Biological Sciences are selective.

How is campus life at UC Davis, in general? Is there a fun Greek life? My admitted D is not real interested in UCD at the moment but it’s totally uninformed (other than fact kids at her LA school apparently don’t talk about UCD). I have heard it’s a great college town and i know its rock solid academically. How does campus life compare to SLO? I assume its not early as raucous as UCSB …

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There is definitely Greek Life if the student is interested. Not the party reputation like UCSB but there are parties at any school.

Since UCD is a college town, the campus and the town are highly integrated. Plenty of bikes on campus and outdoor space in abundance. Sacramento is 20 minutes away so not as remote as SLO for the larger city access. I would say SLO and UCD are comparable in many aspects other than location. Beach vs. Rural Farmland.

There are some YouTube Videos she can watch but highly recommend visiting. My older son ended up choosing between SLO and UCD. UCD won out for many reasons but I think he would have been happy at either school.


How is the dorm situation? Is it as bad as other UCs? Are most/all Freshman in triples and quads? Are they guaranteed housing?

The awards site seems to be working now. They said they fixed the tech issue and my daughter was able to log in no problem now.


Is this clipped from UC Davis website?

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Are the My Awards only for financial needs ? I’m interested in merit based, but daughter in wait list. Should I still pursue?

It’s a great college town! I attended in the 80s and it has just gotten better. If you wanted Greek life, it was available. If not, still a ton of fun.

Sacramento is close - I did internships there. Berkeley and the San Francisco Bay area are 1 - 1.5 hours the opposite direction from Sacramento. We used to schedule our winter quarter classes to have Tuesdays/Thursdays off and we would drive up to Tahoe to ski for the day and then come back. Lake Berryessa and Napa are also close by. I feel like it is a great blend of college town with outdoor activities nearby as well as city life near by.

You really should take your daughter to visit. Academically it’s an incredible school - one of the top 10 public universities in the country.


Just a thought.

The number of UC applications is going through the roof this year. According to articles, there were approx 94,700 first-year applications at UCD. UCLA had close to 150,000.

I’m not sure how admissions staff members there are at Davis, but to compare, UCSB has 5 high school admission officers + 3 Directors. UCD is a larger school so they may have more people. Roughly speaking, there are 75 workdays from Dec 1 to early March. Thus, the UCD admin team is reviewing approx 1250+ apps a day. (And really the number is probably higher since they don’t read right up until the release)

I sorta doubt they are incrementally ranking those mountains of apps. Given the waitlist says they were impressed with the application and recognize the student’s achievements but just don’t have enough slots, I suspect there’s a point system (possibly with buckets for different types of applicants) then just a random draw from all the applicants that make a certain cutoff to meet the quotas.

Basically, my thought is that we’re seeing applicants with tons of great stats and EC’s that don’t get the decision they want, and it might just have been the luck of a draw. In other words, try not to go crazy comparing and wondering how/why other candidates got in :slight_smile:


I want to echo what others have said about not losing hope. Last year my D21 was rejected from UCI and waitlisted for UCSC but accepted UCSD, UCSB, and UCD. She ultimately was offered a spot off the waitlist at UCSC but had already committed elsewhere. This year my S22 was waitlisted at UCD and is very nervous about his other UC applications now. But it’s not over until it’s over, and it’s only just started so don’t despair.


All Freshman are guaranteed housing there are doubles, triples and quads available depending upon the type of dorm and location.

You might look over the different dorms and see the housing configurations: Residence Halls | UC Davis Student Housing and Dining Services

Sophomore housing is on a first come basis but it is available. Many students will move off campus after Freshman year and there plenty of apartments available in the area. 2nd years do need to start apartment hunting early by at least January.


My son is a freshman at Davis and is really loving it. Total college town, connected to the university. Beautiful campus. He went cold turkey with roommates and it has been a great experience and he will live with two of them next year. He just finished pledging a fraternity and has met so many kids. Inter-murals program is strong. He has had had good luck with teachers, very hard, but super approachable. As a mom, I do not worry about his safety at Davis. It’s a great community. Congratulations to your daughter. Make sure you guys go to picnic day in April, she will fall in love with all of Davis. So will you. :slight_smile:


Yes, I’ve heard it said that Davis isn’t in the middle of nowhere, it’s in the middle of everywhere!