UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

I’m wondering if the answer is we have to just wait until 8:00 am on Monday to reach out to them.
You would assume that the’d have someone on this, being as it’s a big day for the admissions department, they’d have planned for all scenarios, but who knows. At least we got the decision.

Wondering. Were any accepted students able to access their “MyAwards” in the last 24 hours, post-decision day?

Yes but email took half an hour

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Please don’t lose heart. In 2018, my son’s friend with similar stats and comparable ECs as my son was rejected at UCD, and UCI but got in UCB and Swarthmore. In the same year, another friend got into MIT, UCLA, and UCB but was rejected at UCD! This year my daughter (Computer Eng.) was also rejected at UCD but got in Cal Poly. Maybe it is the fit, maybe the school is looking to build a particular kind of class. Your credentials seem awesome - I mean this :slight_smile:


We were able to access it, but for some reason only after going through the steps and setting password questions via cell phone browser. Once it was set up, we could also access MyAwards on laptop.

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Wow! It almost seems like the portal is sensitive to specific personal electronic device configurations!! LOL!! Thanks for the info.

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Finally received the code right now. The “financial aid” only included loans. We were hoping for a merit scholarship like she received from UCSC but I guess it wasn’t meant to be! Still thrilled to be accepted.


Yes, Sorry, I meant weighted.


Overall, UC Davis is looking for students who are diligent and consistent with their academic goals, and know how to transfer their skills over to a community-oriented perspective.

Students should strive to highlight their diverse high school experience, whether that be through challenging classes or extracurricular activities. They should also identify the ways they brought their gifts into their school and community to serve others and help solve problems.

Lastly, any ways that the applicant to UC Davis can showcase their gift of leadership and ability to persevere through hardship will help their application immensely.


If D did not get in with 4.8gpa unweighted and 4.03 weighted with 7 APs and plenty of ecs what are her chances in the other UCs?

Typo 4.8 Unweighted? Capped Weighted at 4.03 had a 55% admit rate for 2021 and not major specific.

Because the UC system takes a decentralized approach to admissions where each campus operates independently when making their admission decisions, the application review process will vary from campus to campus. So basically, no way to predict.

The admission rates and enrollment targets vary from campus to campus, and can even vary within each campus’s colleges, divisions, or majors.

Comprehensive review allows UC campuses to use different aspects of the application—high school environment, academic and personal accomplishments, family environment, and other circumstances—to make more informed decisions about a particular student’s achievement in the context of opportunity and life experiences.

What was the intended major?

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Figured it out!

Thank you. Major is Political Science.

Political Science is one of the top 10 undergraduate majors based on enrollment.

Where would you place the Aerospace Engineering Major in UC Davis’ rankings?

OK, maybe a little too competitive for her then. She is nervous that there are even less admissions into PS at UCSB which is her #1 choice.

I have to call out BS on “leadership” standards for 17-18 year old kids.

The PIQs are a scam and encourage exaggerated claims of community service, leadership, and civic mindedness.

They are all just kids for god’s sake!! Use standard and reasonably objective ways to evaluate their work and interests! Some level of holistic review is of course needed but the UCs are overdoing it.


As stated, each UC campus works as a separate entity so there is really no way to know how her application will be reviewed. Wishing her the best of luck wherever she ends up.

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Yes, understood. Thanks for answering.

Here are the top 10 majors at UCD:

Top 10 majors at UC Davis in 2020-21, based on percent of total undergraduate students

  1. Psychology — 8 percent
  2. Biological sciences — 7 percent

3.**https://www.ucdavis.edu/majors/neurobiology-physiology-and-behavior/— 6 percent

  1. Managerial economics — 5 percent

  2. Economics — 5 percent

  3. Animal science — 5 percent

  4. Biochemistry and molecular biology — 4 percent

  5. Computer science — 3 percent

  6. Communication — 3 percent

  7. Political Science — 3 percent

No Engineering majors are listed for the top 10 majors. UCD has about 4962 Undergrads (15%) enrolled in the College of Engineering, but not broken out by major.