UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

We were able to snag a spot that opened on a tour during our spring break!


Our family’s planning to go there. She’s a transfer and got the TAG, but she’s as new to UCD as a HS Sr. Pretty difficult finding hotel rooms in Davis, so we’re staying one town away in Dixon and planning on bringing our bikes up so we can get get around in true UCD-fashion!


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

@Damon389 That sounds great! I wish we could bring our bikes on our visit but we are flying in! Let us know how it goes.

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My child is admitted as an animal science major. They are now reconsidering this major. Reading through this thread, it sounds like it may not be that difficult to switch to a different major within the college of agriculture? Are first quarter classes pretty similar for all majors in that college? He is also considering majors in different colleges and wondering how hard transferring will be. Not interested in college of engineering.

At Freshman orientation which is College specific, he can talk with an advisor and plan his change of major. Since UCD is on a quarter system, the suggestion is to take a lighter class load first quarter to help transition in the fast pace of the system. Usually an animal science student will take 1-2 major pre-req courses (Chemistry/Math/Intro Animal Science) and a GE (Hum/English).

Depending upon which major he is interested in switching into the pre-req courses can be changed but Chemistry/Math are common pre-req’s for many of the Agriculture/Environmental and Science type majors.

Changing majors within a College is much easier than across Colleges. The only other College which might be more challenging to change majors into would be Biological Sciences since he is not interested in Engineering.

Change of Major Within a College

Students planning to change from one major to another major within the same college must be approved by an advisor of the major they are leaving, endorsed by an advisor of the new proposed major, and requires the dean’s office for approval.

Change of Major between Different Colleges

To change from one major to another in a different college you need the consent of the department or committee in charge of your proposed new major and the approval of the dean of the new college. To obtain that approval, you must be in good academic standing, meet all minimum GPA criteria, including those for the major, and satisfy any other admission requirements established by the new college.


Thank you!

Anybody else attending the special reception( meet and greet) at the Pasadena Hilton on Sunday March 26 and 27?


Does your D22 have any HS friends from a previous class that now go to UCD? When my daughter toured back in Feb, she reached out to a few of her HS contacts and one of them spent a few hours with her before the “official” tour began showing her around the campus. It was a great way for her to not only get a feel for the school but ask more probing questions around the “social” aspects of the school that they probably don’t cover on the official tour. It also gave her a break from mom & dad, which I also think is important re school evaluations


I’m not sure of their reason for reconsidering or what they are interested in but many Animal Science majors change to Animal Biology or Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology.

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Unfortunately, our high school is small and there aren’t any recent grads at UCD that I know of. Thank you for the idea though!

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Can you briefly elaborate?

I think my child is closer to undecided within the category of science, but when filling out applications in the fall and asked to choose a major, was drawn to animal science. Rethinking it now, they are more interested in some of the other majors within the college of agriculture or perhaps in one of the other colleges all together. They are not interested in becoming a vet.

They filled out their applications on their own and did research but I’m not sure how seriously made that choice in major and now are admitted at Davis and Cal Poly Slo for animal science. Although at Cal poly that was their second choice major, they applied under marine science.

We are from out of state and traveling to CA in April to see a few schools to help make a decision, and part of that will be ability to change majors.

Davis looks like a great fit for my kid in many ways but as a out-of-state student, even with some financial aide, it’s a lot of money so can’t choose a school where changing majors is difficult and adds years to the education. Thanks!

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Yes, I went. It was interesting! There was a short presentation about financial aid and the rest of the presentation focused on what’s probably in the school brochure, like school rankings, location, campus life, etc. They served lunch and gave a lot of merch, which was unexpected. I live somewhat far from Fresno, so it was a lot of driving for us. Everyone received a nametag with their intended major, but no one really got the chance to socialize or talk to anyone besides the people at your table. I think it was worth it for me because I’ve never toured Davis, so this meet and greet is just another thing to help me base my ultimate decision on.


How did you hear about this?

Hi, I’m not sure if there is a different thread I should ask this on. But does anyone know how AP credits work for UCD? I’ve found the info on their website for what credits they get but I read that none of the credits can be used for GE requirements. What can they be used for then?? For UCSB, there are about 6 GE courses that she wouldn’t have to take. I thought the UCs would be similar, but I guess not. Is there something I’m missing? Thanks!

UC Davis and UCLA do not allow AP credits to be used for GE courses. You can sometimes apply them towards lower division courses or you can take that lower div course and ace it to boost your GPA. :smile:

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I’m not sure I completely understand this. The AP test scores (3, 4 or 5) can be used for college credit at Davis, but not used to satisfy any requirement. So that means they can be used in lieu of …? where do the credits get applied?

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Maybe electives? Quite a bummer considering my daughter has quite a few of them!


They may be used towards graduation credits needed (depending on the subject) but it’s true about the other restrictions.