UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

My daughter is also choosing between SLO & Davis and is 99% sure she will choose Davis when we visit next weekend - I LOVE the collaborative culture that is described!


Same here in So Cal, too.

Glad that people mentioned the collaborative nature, as that’s probably the most important for us. I didn’t know this about Davis until reading it here. We’re applying next year so just following here to become more acquainted with schools. I’ve read that Mudd is collaborative but the price tag is too steep for us.


Ever since I heard there is an acceptance package with stickers, I obsessively check the mail every day :joy: Still waiting on those stickers.


Same lol…nothing yet ! Hoping to get something at Aggie Day :slight_smile:

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We just got ours! Hopefully you get yours soon!


I am pleased to announce that my D’s UCD package arrived today, complete with stickers, a poster and… oh yeah… an admissions letter! We’re in SoCal.


Mine did too day before yesterday!

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I got the letter envelope last week, and today I got a box with more stuff. I won’t ruin the surprise for you, but it is cool!


My daughter is filling out the housing stuff and it isn’t asking which dorms she prefers (segundo, tercero, quarto). Is that normal??? It’s only asking to rank double and triple.

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We just got that package today too!

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Yes, I believe they stopped the building request a couple of years ago.

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You got a box?? We got the stickers a few days after the acceptance email but that was it. I wonder if everyone is getting a box with stuff

Maybe they are going on reverse order of the stickers? There were only a couple of days between receiving the stickers and the box at my house!


Does anyone know how the AP credits work?
I know they can’t count for GE and that an 8 max for English tests but sill confused, lol!!

Does that mean we should cancel her AP Lit test if she already took the AP Lang test last year?
And is taking the AP Gov test worth it since it doesn’t satisfy anything??? Or should she still take it for the 4 credits?
She is an English major in CLS


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In general, I think kids should follow through and take the tests. Can you get your money back if you cancel this late in the game?

Aggie Day 2022


Looks like a beautiful day. What were your impressions?

We drove from Pomona and took the SR 99. The moment we hit Bakersfield and the smell of chemical and manure, my daughter already made up her mind. I think she likes UCSD more. We stayed for two hours then went to the admitted day at the University of the Pacific in Stockton.

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Sadly, it was a not a good day weather-wise. It was super windy which put a real damper on the festivities. We felt bad for the staff and students since they hadn’t had an Aggie day in two years and then on the day they brought it back, the weather didn’t cooperate. But they did the best they could and we enjoyed the activities we participated in.