UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Thank you!

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My D has UW, Davis, UMASS Amherst as the top of her list for microbiology. She is leaning towards Davis because of the small town, collaborative vibe. As an IB diploma candidate, she has appreciated the collaborative nature of learning and wants a campus where the students work together instead of being ultra competitive. We are seeing both campuses in the next two weeks. She has already seen UMASS Amherst and even though it seems to be ranked lower- she loved it and has already chosen it over other higher ranked East Coast schools.


I have a question about pass times. I understand the priority: accommodations, Regents/Honors, etc. then seniors, juniors, sophomores then freshman… and within each group earlier pass times are assigned to those who have completed more units… with AP and IB units not counting. What about units that you’ve transferred from community college? Do those count in your favor?


I just came on the thread to ask the same question! My daughter has CC units too and I was wondering how they are handled.


For Aggie day, only 2 guests are allowed. Does anyone know if siblings can also go? Are they strict about 2 guests? Have tried calling the related department at Davis, but went to voice mail.

It’s pretty chaotic so I have heard that they are not strict. We are bringing a sibling, so we will have four in our group.


I do not nave experience with that. It is a good question to ask when you visit.

It is a large open campus. They might be more restrictive for indoor presentation than outdoor activities.

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Thanks @thankyouGME and @lkg4answers

We are four as well. Younger one is excited to see where her brother is possibly heading :slight_smile:

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We really enjoyed the comprehensive presentation yesterday at the meet and greet in Pasadena Hilton. Financial Aid office was onsite to explain in layman’s term the financial aid award.


S22 was admitted to CSE and is considering UCD. Similar bg (a-level, india). If your S22 decides on UCD, DM me and lets connect them up.

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This is such a small thing but is anyone else’s kid still waiting for the blue acceptance envelope with the stickers? We are in the mid-Atlantic so I didn’t expect it right away but it seems like others received them over a week ago.


My Virginia DD just received her acceptance package with UCD stickers today.


My kid has not received anything yet and we are in Southern California.


Nothing here yet either and we are in NorCal, about an hour from Davis. D’s UCSB envelope arrived today.


Same SoCal, nothing yet.


When does Davis invite students to the honors program? I am asking because my D was also admitted to UCR (at the beginning of March), but just today received an email inviting her to apply to their honors program. She is still leaning toward Davis, but the perks of the UCR honors program are nice.

Your student would have gotten the invite upon admission to UC Davis. If not, then once enrolled and she meets the criteria, she will receive an invite as a current student.

The University Honors Program provides current first-year students the opportunity to join UHP through the On-Campus Admissions program. High potential first-year students will be invited to apply to UHP during the Winter Quarter of their first year. Application invitations are sent in mid-Winter Quarter, and admissions decisions announced in mid-April.

Yup will do. Tks

Thank you for this! My son is going to accept at UCD and we’re planning on visiting next week. So excited!