UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Hi there. Does anyone know if Davis typically releases all decisions at once? Or do they first announce acceptances, then onto waitlist/rejections on subsequent days? Thanks!

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UCD releases decisions all at once.


I called admissions and they said not today


I thought one wouldn’t say anything over the phone in the first place…


and nothing further was provided? 3/11 ?

They said that admission decisions would be put in “about a week or two”


Decision history for UCD:
March 9, 2018 (2nd Friday of March)
March 8, 2019 (2nd Friday of March)
March 12, 2020 (2nd Thursday of March)
March 18, 2021 (3rd Thursday of March)


Well I’m not looking at SLO’s history anymore haha we find out when we find out this year!


“College of Engineering admits by academic department”
What does this mean? How is this different from “admits by college?”

Thank you!

Admit by Academic department = Admit by Major within the College of Engineering

Admit by College = Admit into the College means you are competing with all applicants applying to any of the majors within that College ie. College of Biological Sciences has 12 different majors in the College.

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Thank you!

For Letters and Science at Davis which admits by college, does that mean all majors are the same in terms of how hard it is to be accepted into the college ? or do certain majors still have a harder time getting in ?

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In general, majors are not considered in the College of Letters and Sciences. Reality is that a major like CS which is highly impacted and in which students are taught jointly with the CSE majors found in the College of Engineering, there is probably some kind of the cap/threshold for these applicants. Unfortunately I do not work in admissions and cannot confirm or deny any of this information other than what is posted by UC Davis.

Do you happen to have a link to a site or know if the college of Agriculture chooses one or the other admit types? Specifically for Environmental Horticulture and Urban Forestry.

The College of Agriculture admits by College so you are competing with all majors within that College.


Just posted this on old thread sorry. I applied to David under college of Letters and Science / division of physical science. I want to major in some form of mathematics. I’ve been on here lately and have seen first hand how popular and competitive computer science major is. I just realized Computer science is a major under college of Letters and Science. Am I competing for a spot with computer science applicants?!?!? Was that so stupid of me?

Look at my reply on post #92. It might be worth it to contact admissions and see at this late date if you could change majors. Again, I do not know if CS majors are evaluated differently from the rest of the L&S majors but since it is an impacted major and joint program in the College of Engineering with CSE, I would assume it would a tougher admit.

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So if I had declared a specific math major I would have better odds? Or since math is already in that school/division shared with computer science does that make that whole division compacted?

No, you would not have better odds if you declared Math. You selected Undeclared so you can change your major after 1 quarter at UC Davis. The exceptions would be majors where Pre-req courses have to be completed with a specific GPA to declare.

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@Gumbymom My S22 selected Data Science at UC Davis, which is in the Engineering school. Since that major is brand new—this is the first year it is offered—does that mean he has a higher chance than if it was an established major (all other things being equal)? Or is its placement in the Engineering school make it harder for him to enter?

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