UC Davis Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Am I right that the latest published CDS is for 2020-21?! Feels like schools should be required to post these sooner!

Yes, the CDS for 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 are not posted and I have scoured all over to find them. That is why I posted the UC Counselor conference waitlist data for the last 2 years.

  1. for grades they show only senior year or all four years?
    friend of my student told that they saw all years and were confused.
    pl clarify
  2. also do they enter + /- ? and how do you estimate for spring :slight_smile: guessing if its off then what.
  3. after accepting waitlist offer do you get email confirmation?

For one it’s just an update so you shouldn’t change the earlier grades just add to the senior year.

For two as with all UC the sign of the grade doesn’t matter.

For three I didn’t get an update

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thanks a lot.
how do you estimate becoz its not near end so you could be wrong.

I would put in the grade the student currently has in the class.

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Will the waitlisted students ranked in any order ?
Will they consider the alternate major again during the waitlisted to admission process in May/June ?

The process is very specific to courses of study and the capacity of our campus to support all of our admitted students. Because of this, the list is not ranked and the number of offers extended will depend upon the number of spaces available and how many students we expect to accept the offer.

They may consider your alternate major but not guaranteed.

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Do you think it would be worth it to email a LOCI to admissions? I know it states no additional documents needed but could it boost me in any way? thank you! :hugs:

When they say no additional documentation, they mean no additional documentation. They will not look at your LOCI.

I posted this last year on several of the waitlist discussion threads. Although it is posted for GTech, the messages are universal.


Thank you so much for the clarification!!

Up until this year, UC Davis use to require a waitlist essay but when they have had close to 7000 applicants submit waitlist essays, they probably no longer have the capacity to read them all so no longer an option this year.

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They also have a new director of admission.

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Any idea on which order UCD takes students off the wait list and offer admission ? First come (accepting to be on waitlist) first admit basis or by some other criteria/rank ?

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It’s definitely not a “first come, first considered” process for any of the UCs. As long as you opt into the waitlist by the deadline, you are fine. I don’t think it’s a ranked list at any UCs. My understanding is that they use waitlists to fill needs after they look at the class that enrolls.


The waitlist is not ranked nor first come. Students are are admitted based on institutional needs.

From the FAQ:

The process is very specific to courses of study and the capacity of our campus to support all of our admitted students. Because of this, the list is not ranked and the number of offers extended will depend upon the number of spaces available and how many students we expect to accept the offer.


you seem to know a lot about UC admissions and I wanted to ask how I should tackle a problem I had. I got rejected from UC Davis after I accidentally switched my primary and alternative major (my application which was very agriculture related went into the college of biological sciences) and I didn’t know that Davis doesnt look at alternative majors. what should I do? appeal?

There is an additional comments section at the bottom of the grades update form (different from D/F grade explanation section). Any idea whether we can add any bulleted list of honors/awards received after Nov 30 here?

UW Madison encouraged this for their Deferrals but UCD has not provided guidance in their Waitlist FAQ.

UC Davis occasionally admits to the alternate major. Also your EC’s do not necessarily need to align with your intended major.

You always have the option to appeal but you need to have new and compelling information not submitted on the original application. A major change would not be a valid reason for appealing.

You must prove that you are a much stronger applicant than what was presented in your original UC Application. New and compelling information would be extraordinary hardship, exceptional talent, medical issues etc…. The objective is to show why you would be an asset to UCD.

Appeals are rarely granted. Consideration for appeals is based on new and compelling information, extenuating circumstances and your overall academic record. As part of your appeal, you must include a statement describing your special circumstances, as well as any additional documents such as unofficial academic records and letters of recommendation. All appeals and supplemental documentation must be submitted online—interviews are not granted and appeals received through any other channel will not be considered.

Waitlist FAQ states : No letters of recommendation, transcripts or other documents are needed.

The additional comment section is probably there if more explanation is required regarding your grades. Since this year’s waitlist process is new, I would contact admissions and ask. Please update if you get an answer.