***UC Davis Freshman Waitlist Stats/Information/Discussion***

@fairadmin: Maybe the UC’s need to go back to their old system (back in the dark ages), applicants had to select 3 UC’s to apply and rank them. This might eliminate some of the issues.

@Gumbymom well, looks we both agree it is a yield protection game. Thanks! Then the next question is: is it fair?

@fairadmin: I would not go as far as saying it is a yield protection game, I am just saying that ranking the UC’s may eliminate one variable from the admissions equation. There are still more “subjective” aspects of the UC application that could account for the waitlisting and rejections. There is no way to make everything “fair”. Some one will always have the advantage real or perceived. CC is not a debating forum so I will leave it at this.

@fairadmin I don’t think thats necessarily true. From my private high school, almost all of our top students got into UC Davis. From a class of ~400 students, about 115 applied and 55 got accepted last year. According to Naviance data, all of top students got in, and their GPAs ranged from 4.2 - 4.7 (no denials from 4.3 above), and alot of these students are applying to the higher UCs and Ivy League aswell. Additionally, the UCs don’t have a holistic process as developed as the Common App where you have recommendations, and individual supplements. The factors that can impact your UC acceptance majorly in my honest opinion are: First-Gen, Major (Impacted or Unimpacted?), Essays and Athletics– add under-represented race for other colleges.

Additionally, I think it is well worth noting that at ALL UC campuses, the # of First-Generation students is very high (42 % at Davis and 17% of Berkeley, which may also be a sign…). Meaning students who are First-Gen can get away with more than their peers in regards to, well, everything. And that could be a deciding factor in admissions aswell.

No, there is no essay for Davis, but you can allude to it.

Here is my daughter’s stat:


GPA: 3.9 unweighted, 4.33 weighted
ACT : 36
SAT II: Math II 800, Chemistry 800
AP: Chemistry 5
EC: Rich
(I Think) Good Essays

Major: BioChemistry
Accepted: UC Riverside, UMich, UW
Rejected; Not yet

@auntbea Are you saying that if you take a tour of the UCD campus they will note that internally on your application?

My D received waitlist notification yesterday for Kinesiology.
GPA: 4.0
ACT: 30
Accepted at CP Pomona, CSU Long Beach. No word yet from CP SLO or other UCs—SB, Irvine, SC or SD.

Is there supposed to be some kind of confirmation page that tells you that you accepted the waitlist offer after you click submit? Because I just submitted my essay and it just refreshed the page and took me back to “Declare Your Decision” page.

Does anyone know if they ever release waitlist spots prior to May 1?

@TheFrenchChef: Rarely, since they will not know the exact head count until after May 1. Many applicants either wait till the last minute to SIR or some do not even decline if they decide to attend elsewhere.

The yield is less than 30%, which means a very large number of admits will decline. I would say the large majority won’t respond at all by May 1. So it would be very unlikely at any waitlisted person hear back before the first week of May.

Daughter waitlisted for Davis - does anyone know the acceptance rate of students the past few years who accepted the waitlist offer?

@LivSofMom: I merged your thread into the current UCD waitlist thread. You will see the stats on page 1 of this thread.

Waitlist acceptances change from year to year, so last year’s stats are not an indication for this year.

I suggest you post in this thread: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-davis/2129905-uc-davis-freshman-waitlist-stats-information-discussion.html#latest

And yes you need to SIR to another school since waitlist decisions should not be out until after May 1.

Be sure to SIR or accept a place at another school.
As Gumbymom mentions, wait list results will not be released prior to the May 1 National Student Reply Day deadline.

Unless you’re planning on a CC>UC TAG to Davis, or don’t have other offer options,
be sure to accept a spot and deposit at another school.

If the Davis wait list comes through for you fingers crossed you would forfeit the deposit, which is a small price to pay in the scheme of things.

Thank you ! Do you know if it’s possible to transfer as a sophomore rather than a junior.

@“torio.01” UCD does accept lower division transfers (less than 60 semester/90 quarter units) but the types of majors are limited.

From the UCD website:
While the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences occasionally considers applications from students with less than junior-level standing, very few lower-division transfers are admitted. All other academic divisions will only consider applications from junior-level transfers.

@“torio.01” if you’re referring to a CC transfer to Davis in one year as opposed to two years, it is possible if you had a bunch of AP credits and/or DE credits. Starting right away with classes in the summer might help as well.

Note that Davis does participate in the TAG program.
Be sure that if you go that route, that you’re aware of all of the regulations involved,
and stick closely to them.