***UC Davis Freshman Waitlist Stats/Information/Discussion***

Major: CS
SAT: 1390
GPA: 4.3
I really hope I get in since I only got waitlisted for UCD and UCSD. Does anyone know where to put the estimated spring grades? I posted it on additional comments but it disappeared once I submitted it…

@Matdew: Before making our decisions, we will review your 200-word statement, as well as the fall grades and spring coursework-in-progress that must be submitted as part of your waitlist acceptance.

You can upload a Mid-year transcript since they are not asking for estimated Spring grades.

@Matdew The same thing happened to me. Are additional comments supposed to disappear after every time you submit?

Daughter Stats:
3.92 weighted GPA. 1310 SAT, 30 ACT. 3 AP classes, 4 honors classes.
Many ECs, captain of Varsity swim, and in perf. arts magnet/ gifted soprano

Applied to the UCs Undeclared. Waitlisted for UC Davis, UCI, UCSD.

Accepted: UCSC.

Rejected: UCB and UCSB.

Accepted: CSUSF, Sonoma, San Diego.

Rejected: CSU Long Beach, Fullerton
Private acceptances: SMU Dallas, Ithaca, Baldwin Wallace U
Waitlists: Lehigh, Bucknell, U of Miami, Syracuse, Mt Holyoke

We are writing statement for UCD waitlist.
UCSC not top choice will accept SIR and switch if accepted at another UC.

Privates not giving enuf $$ except Baldwin Wallace in Ohio.

My daughter waitlisted for UCD but is undeclared. We’re considering whether to couch her 200 word appeal with a stated major in political science with minor in theatre or music. Wondering if this is a good route. I don’t know if poli sci is an impacted major or not. She is interested in a possible career in public policy/law.

I accepted my spot on the Davis waitlist as a history major. I toured the campus a couple of days ago and it is my top choice. Is there anything else I can do to increase my chances of being accepted? thanks!

@ImASoccerPlayer: Submit your UCD waitlist essay and show them why you would be an asset to UCD and what specific programs you are interested in pursuing. This is all you can do at this point.

On the UC Davis portal, when I click the button to accept my waitlist position, it asks me to say my estimated spring grades in the additional comments section. I have no idea what to put for this because I don’t know what my spring grades will be? What should I put?

@Jason101200: Put in the grades you currently have for Spring Semester. You must some idea how you are doing in each class?

@Gumbymom There is one class where I have a solid A and two where I am borderline between an A and a B. What should I put for the two borderline classes? I don’t even know if I have an A or a B in those classes because the teachers have not put in some assignments yet.

@Jason101200: Just put in an A for the one class and A- for the other two classes. They just want to make sure you are not slacking and will complete all your a-g courses with passing grades. Remember this is an estimate only, so they will not hold you to these as final grades.

@Gumbymom Ok I’ll do that then, because I am pretty confident that I will pass all of my classes with at least a B. Thanks for your help.

We are supposed to put the estimated grades in the comment section? I didn’t see where it said to put them so I entered them as grades in the form they had - I assume I should fix this?


9-11 GPA: 3.97 UW 4.77
SAT: 1450

Other stuff: piano, robotics team, physics tutor, skipped two years of math

Slightly rushed essays

Major: Mechanical Engineering

I was a little surprised to be honest, I thought I had the numbers and my essays were generic but not awful.

Accepted: UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego (Undeclared)

Waitlisted: UC Davis, UC Los Angeles, UC Irvine, Colorado School of Mines

Rejected; UC Berkeley, Cal Poly SLO

I got waitlisted and I was wondering if I can include new information like an internship and I got after I submit my application and some club activities on my waitlist statement

@hh0329: You can put whatever you want on your waitlist statement so definitely include the internship and club activities but emphasize why you would be an asset to UCD as a student.

Thank you!!

Does anyone know when UCD began releasing waitlist decisions last year?

@whimsicaljess: May 25th is when CC users started posting results.

Hello, do you know if the 24 admitted students from the waitlist were the total that they accepted from the waitlist or the total that said yes to their acceptance?