UC Davis Portal Astrology

Can anyone try this and see what happens?

  1. Log into my.ucdavis.edu, then in the top menu bar click ‘Finances’
  2. In the drop down menu, click ‘MyBill’
  3. Sign / Agree to Consents and Agreements Form
  4. Log in under the section ‘UC Davis Students and Staff’ by clicking ‘HERE,’ once you are in click ‘Deposits’
  5. Enter your term (Fall 2023)

What do you see?

It asks me to pay $250 by selecting a method.

same for us

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So it no longer shows status as pending review? That could be good news for you! We don’t see it unfortunately and that might be a sign for us.

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Not in the admissions portal, check the link I sent.

Also at this point wouldn’t all decisions be made already?

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When logging in does it ask you to sign Consents and Agreements?

Is this the enrollment deposit?


Not sure, it is called ‘Family Grad Housing Deposit’

Yes see the same thing

Yes see the same deposit amount under Family Grad Housing Deposit

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What happens if you agree to the document? What’s the next page?

You should see the login screen,
4. Log in under the section ‘UC Davis Students and Staff’ by clicking ‘HERE,’ once you are in click ‘Deposits’

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@E_C1 you don’t see the agreement thing?

I do but I didn’t click, not knowing what’s next. I didn’t see Fall 2023 option as the other poster mentioned. I just went into the account and the agreement was there. But isn’t that for everyone?

What happens if I click I Agree?

Edit: lol I just asked you this, I’m hesitant bc I’m not ready to face a rejection yet. I thought it would be Friday so I could have time to buy some junk food.

It will take you to the log in screen

I don’t think I’m ready for this step, lol.


Not sure this means anything at all as ability to pay a housing deposit before accepting admission doesn’t make sense.