UC Davis Portal Astrology

True, but I think it might be a positive because they had us login with our portal. It’s not like the option is available to the public. Also, there seem to be options like register for classes and schedule builder LOL. Anyway, we’ll know in less than 48 hours!


Could we have gotten to this portal from the applicant portal? The poster linked a different thing which I couldn’t find in our applicant portal. I don’t even know how I got in as I didn’t even input ID or password but it had my D’s name. I did have the other page open.

You still have to sign in in the top right corner, not sure if you can access it from your admission portal

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This is 101% speculation LOL; I wouldn’t fret. But, junk food sounds like a good option – maybe I should get some, too, regardless of how things pan out.

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Yes it is just a speculation.Anyways we will know our decisions on Friday

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highly doubt this means anything. if u go into the other terms you still see “Family Housing Grad Deposit,” it’s probably just an automatic thing that shows up for everyone


I just had one of my friends check and she can’t see the option for some reason.

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The wait is killing me…ugh


Yes I agree.It may not mean anything

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Did she follow all the steps as mentioned above?

Yeah, I think so. But then again, we’re doing this over text LOL, so I can’t really see her screen in real time.


I see the Consents and Agreement Form but am reluctant to agree to anything.


However the temptation to agree is very real! lol


Is this what you mean?


Interesting! Does it say what the Deposit is for>?

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There was an option before this page where you chose the Deposit for: For housing
I am guessing this is probably a bug in their Accounting system. How could they process Housing deposit even before acceptance?

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It shows me the same thing “Family Grad Housing Deposit”, the fall 2023 term that I picked and the amount $250.
I do not think this means anything.

So I see what you see, but didn’t click agreement. HOWEVER, what was equally interesting was that clicked the Academics tab (instead of Finances) and then selected Student Records, then General, and I had a Student ID number. Do you get this as well?

Is this the same student ID as in the applicant portal, if we even got one? Or a different one?

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Oh…yes, I didn’t remember we had one :slight_smile: You are right, it is the same number. Makes sense, I guess the applicant ID is the same as the student ID. There has to be some way to identify us other than our names.